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本科毕业设计(论文) 中英文对照翻译 (此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!) 文献出处:Thomas A B. Analysis on the Development of the Network Homemade Drama[J]. Penn GSE Perspectives on Urban Education, 2017, 1(1): 12-22. 原文 Analysis on the Development of the Network Homemade Drama Thomas A B Abstract Network homemade drama is a new era of new media art style, it is spread in Internet interactive technology and advantage, with support from the earliest days of making the upload video to network skits to network of video sites to build professional development now. Network with homemade play show short, fast real-time updating and widely involved in the hot medium of the media advantage, in art performance using straightforward, bold, relaxed and humorous style attracted web users easy to accept new things. Video website of mercerization and commercialization for the video website industry bring new development opportunity. Network video user soared at the same time, makes the network media to increasingly get the favor of advertisers, many advertisers have started to use network video media and advertising money into the network video industry, make the network video industry for explosive growth, video web site to meet the needs of audience and advertisers business demands, and considering the video website future brand and reputation, homemade video website began attaches great importance to the network play, start creating differentiation platform, focused on building the network homemade TV brand. Keywords: network homemade drama, development strategy 1 Introduction With the popularization of Internet and network technology development and the growing number of Internet users, network video services become the main content in the process of video website development. To promote the industrialization of video website itself development and industry competition and pressure of copyright, video websites have launched homemade content. Homemade drama becomes network media environment of the new art


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