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本科毕业设计(论文) 中英文对照翻译 (此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!) 标题:Green supply chain management practices: Multiple case studies in the Brazilian home appliance industry 作者:Gabriela Scur, Mayara Barbosa 期刊:Journal of Cleaner Production,141(10):1293-1302 年份:2017 原文 Green supply chain management practices: Multiple case studies in the Brazilian home appliance industry Gabriela Scur, Mayara Barbosa Abstract Leading manufacturers in developed countries generally implement green practices and have high levels of environmental awareness. However, it is uncertain which practices are implemented and how they are implemented in the home appliance sector of emerging countries such as Brazil. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the practices of green supply chain management adopted by home appliance manufacturers. To analyze green practices in this industry, 5 manufacturers and 2 professional associations were used as case studies; this approach provided in-depth interviews about internal environmental management, reverse logistics, green purchasing, eco-design, life cycle assessment, waste management, and green manufacturing. Waste management was the most widely used technique among the research participants, and green purchasing and life cycle assessment practices were less widespread. Significant differences in the adoption of certain green supply chain management (GSCM) dimensions were observed between companies with ISO 14001 certification and non-certified companies. Suggestions for further developing GSCM in the home appliance industry are also presented. Keywords: Green supply chain management, Green practices, Home appliance, Electrical–electronic industry 1. Introduction Changes in environmental awareness over the last few years, including legal requirements, pressure from customers, the need for waste management, reuse of materials and packaging, product recovery, and changes in product projects, have influenced supply chain management. Thus, companies are


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