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本科毕业设计(论文) 中英文对照翻译 (此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!) 文献出处: Martin B. The Green Barriers and Agricultural Product Export [J]. Asian Social Science, 2017, 1(6): 34-45. 原文 The Green Barriers and Agricultural Product Export Martin Beck. Abstract As an agricultural country, the export of Chinas agricultural products are often suffered the restrictions from the green barriers. The positive green barriers can regulate the agricultural production in China, and promote the agricultural development and international trade; on the other hand, the negative green barriers would increase the cost of trade, trade friction, and prevent the development of international trade. So the research of influence of green barriers on Chinas agricultural products is very realistic. According to the influence of green barriers on Chinas agricultural exports, the corresponding countermeasures can be made to deal with the green barriers and improvement of Chinas competitiveness in the international competition. This study examines the causes, influences and methods of green barriers on Chinas agricultural products export based on the questionnaires of 200 staffs of agricultural trade companies in Xian of Shaanxi province in China. To address this issue, Partial Least Square method is applied and the empirical result shows that there is a positive and significant effect from causes, influences, and methods towards the Chinas agricultural products export. Keywords: green barriers, agricultural product, export, China 1. Introduction The green barrier is one of the most frequent measures in developed countries from the 1990s (Feng, 2007). As an agricultural country, the export of Chinas agricultural products are often suffered the restrictions from the green barriers. The positive green barriers can regulate the agricultural production in China, and promote the agricultural development and international trade; on the other hand, the negative green barriers would increase the cost of trading, even


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