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本科毕业设计(论文) 中英文对照翻译 (此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!) 作者:Layer M 期刊:Academy of management review,;第3卷,第2期,pp:120-129,2016 原文 The research of organizational commitment and the enterprise core staff incentive mechanism Layer M Abstract The constant improvement of modern enterprise system, the human resources is its unique value, scarcity and typical difficult to imitation and other economic resources become an important part of enterprise core competitiveness. And give full play to the core quality of employees and to promote the backbone of the development of the company. Enterprise core staff is the core competence of the enterprise personnel carrier, they control the key resources, is the core of enterprises and representative, is the prerequisite for the survival and development of each enterprise, the competition between enterprises in the final analysis is the talent competition, exactly is the core competition. Scholars have been fully recognized the status quo, have launched special research, and called for the enterprises should build their own core staff, to focus on core staff management. Key words: Core employees, Organizational commitment, Incentive mechanism 1 Introduction Organizational commitment theory is the basis of many management measures, especially in human resource management measures and the root cause, it not only can well explain the relationship between the enterprise organization many variables, and can well predict work performance, absenteeism, sabotage, turnover intention and willingness to retention, and other human resources management concerns, in the process of modern human resources management and development, employee and enterprise in addition to a labor contract or employ contract, there is an invisible psychological contract, this kind of psychological contract is the organizational commitment. The existence of organizational commitment can let employees have a deep sense of belonging to the enterprise, to cultivate their loyalty


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