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本科毕业设计(论文) 中英文对照翻译 (此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!) 原文 The newsreel commentator, the actor, the intellectual, and the broadcaster: celebrity and personality voices in classic British documentary Author: Martin Stollery Independent Researcher, London, UK This paper explores some hitherto overlooked intersections between British documentary of the 1930s and 1940s and celebrity culture. It does so through the analysis of voice-over commentary in a range of different films from this period. We might be forgiven for assuming that the relationship between documentary film-making and the field of celebrity culture, broadly defined, is a fairly recent historical phenomenon. The examples that spring to mind are documentaries fronted by film-makers who have become celebrities, such as Michael Moore, or numerous recent film and television documentaries about celebrities. Yet the relationship has a much longer, multifaceted history. This history can be traced at least as far back as the late 1930s, the period during which the British documentary film movement consolidated, diversified and subsequently played an important role within wartime culture. Analysing some points of intersection will shed new light on both fields of research. Strategically, this analysis also supports an agenda outlined by two contributors to an earlier issue of this journal. David Beer and Ruth Penfold-Mounce (2010) argue that, although the academic study of celebrity can capitalise upon wider public interest in this topic, it needs to vigorously address perceived doubts about its value. Historians of 1930s and wartime British documentary have overlooked or underestimated the fact that many of these films incorporated in their commentaries certain types of personality and celebrity voices. One of the main reasons for this oversight is that the standard narrative of the British documentary film movement is largely conceived in terms of classic films. It emphasises the influence upon the movement of precedi


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