新外研版英语七年级上册Module 5 Unit 3 Writing.ppt

新外研版英语七年级上册Module 5 Unit 3 Writing.ppt

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新外研版英语七年级上册Module 5 Unit 3 Writing

Use the pictures to make sentences like this. I get up at 6:oo. get up lessons start go to school have breakfast run have lunch play basketball lessons finish go home go to bed do homework have dinner Use the pictures to make sentences like this. I get up at 6:oo. My school day get up run have breakfast go to school lessons start have lunch lessons finish play basketball go home have dinner do homework go to bed Hi! I am Zhang Yan. I am thirteen years old. I go to Peijie Middle School in Tianjin, China. This is my school day.   I get up at 6 o’clock. I go to school at 7 o’clock and I go to school by car. I always have breakfast in the car.   Lessons start in the morning at 7:30. We have four lessons in the morning. Our lessons finish at 11:45 and we have lunch at 12 o’clock. The lessons start in the afternoon at 2 o’clock. We have three lessons in the afternoon.     I go home at six o’clock. I have dinner at 7 o’clock. I do my homework at 7:30. I go to bed at 10 o’clock.     My school day is busy. 信息归纳 1. Zhang Yan’s age 2. Way to go to school 3. The number of lessons that Zhang Yan has 4. Time to do go to bed 5. How is Zhang Yan’s school day by car 13 years old seven 10 o’clock busy 时态: 一般现在时 This is my school day. I get up … have breakfast … I go to school … I have … lessons in the morning … I have lunch … Classes finish … go home… …… Post-writing (10 minutes) Ending (画龙点睛) Body 描述学校生活 Beginning 开篇点题 My school day is busy, but I love my school life. 项目 评价基本要求 标准分值 书写 书面整洁、规范 1 内容 文章包含4到5个信息点(5分,不够要酌情减分);按照时间顺序,有层次感(2分);逻辑意义清晰(2分) 9 语法 能正确使用语法(1个句子语法错误扣0.5分,整篇文章语法错误不得分) 2 标点 能正确使用标点(错3个以上不得分) 1 拼写 能正确拼写单词和字母的大小写(错4个以上扣1分,此项不得分) 2 总分 My School Day I’m a student. This is my school day. I get up at 6:00 in the morning. I run at 6:30 and I have breakfast at 7:00. I go to school at 7:30. Lessons start at 8:00. We have lunch at 12:00. Lessons finish at 4:00 in the afternoon.


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