[英语学习]Practical English Rhetoric.doc

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[英语学习]Practical English Rhetoric

Practical English Rhetoric I. Introduction 1. What Is Rhetoric? Rhetoric is the art or science of communication in words. Longman Modern English Dictionary 修辞是依据题旨情境,运用各种语言材料,各种表现手法,恰当地表现写说者所要表达的内容的语言活动。 《辞海》 Rhetoric is choice in a context for a purpose. (Patrick Hartwell: Open to Language) 修辞学,照我们的看法,应该是在各种可供选择的语言手段之间,各个词语之间,各种句式之间,各种风格之间进行选择,选择那些最适合、最需要的,用于当前特定的目的。 吕叔湘 修辞就是选择。 张志公 Summary 1. Rhetoric is the art or science of effective communication in words. Whether speaking or writing, one has to get oneself across effectively, i.e., to be eloquent, accurate, impressive, persuasive and expressive. The study of how to express oneself effectively is the main concern of rhetoric. 2. Effective communication is based on precise and appropriate choice of words, sentence patterns and figures of speech, etc. In other words, rhetoric is choice of linguistic means and choice of ways of expression. So, in this sense, rhetoric is “choice”. 2. Classification of English Rhetoric Communicative Rhetoric 交际修辞:炼字;锻句 Aesthetic Rhetoric 美学修辞:各种修辞格 Communicative rhetoric lays particular stress on lexical accuracy, structural meticulousness and contextual appropriateness so as to bring its linguistic communicative role into full play. Example (1) She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. Her head was leaned against the window curtains and in her nostrils was the odor of dusty cretonnes. She was tired. (James Joyce: “Eveline”) Example (2) Dick Boulton looked at the doctor. Dick was a big man. He knew how big a man he was. He liked to get into fights. He was happy. Eddie and Billy Tabeshaw leaned on their cant hooks and looked at the doctor. The doctor chewed the beard on his lower lip and looked at Dick Boulton. Then he turned away and walked up the hill t


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