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年轻人毕业后当起“校漂族” Get a college degree and youll go far? Ye Dong made it to a 10-sq-m room, at 60 yuan ($9) a month, next door to his old college in Shaoguan, Guangdong province. 有了大学文凭,你的前途就一片光明了?叶东(音译)曾就读于广东韶关某大学,他就在母校附近租了一个10平米的小屋,每月租金60元(合9美元)。 Now 23, Ye earned his diploma in June 2010. But he has barely left the campus. He still eats in the canteens and studies in the classrooms. Living close is convenient and familiar, he said. 现年23岁的叶东2010年6月拿到了大学毕业文凭,但是他几乎没有离开学校。他仍然在吃食堂、在教室上自习。他说,住在学校附近既方便,而且环境又熟悉。 Around almost every college and university in China are cheap apartments and bungalows for rent, where lots of graduates like Ye live. They live and look like enrolled students, but they arent. 在中国,几乎每所高校附近都有廉价的公寓和平房出租,那里居住着许多像叶东这样的毕业生。他们看起来就跟在校生一样,可他们已不再是学生了。 Such kind of graduates is called school-drifters. It became a popular search keyword and triggered wide media coverage and further academic research. 这类毕业生被称为“校漂一族”,这个新兴名词引发了媒体的广泛报道和深入的学术研究。 The number is increasing over the years. A simple reason is that each year the number of graduates rises, while the employment rate remains basically the same. A large portion of the unemployed become school-drifters. Some previously employed also come back after a short, unsatisfying, work experience. according to Hu Jiewang, a sociology professor at Jiaying University in Guangdong province. 广东嘉应大学社会学教授胡洁旺(音译)说:“如今,“校漂族”的数量正在逐年上升。简单的说,这是因为毕业生的数目年年在涨,但就业率仍维持不变,这导致大量没有就业的毕业生成了“校漂族”。而先前一些已就业的学生在经历了短暂且不愉快的工作生活后也加入了此行列。” Ye sees himself as a school-drifter. He said the real world is different from his ideal. 叶东把自己看成是“校漂一族”,他说现实的世界与自己所期望的真是大相径庭。 He landed a job as a production assistant in a local jewelry company in March last year but quit two months later. The 2,400-yuan ($360) a month salary was high among my classmates, but the job was too tiring. I had only one day off every week and the working hours were too irregular, he said.Entering society made me feel hollow. 去年3月,叶东获得了当地珠宝公司生产助理的工作,两个月后却辞职了。他说:“每月2400元(360美元)的工资在同学中


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