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六招职场增值秘诀让你成为职场升职器 1. Create a rich work portfolio 1. 丰富工作经验 You know doing the bare minimum probably wont get you promoted or recognized. But you also know you havent received any awards for going above-and-beyond either. Whats the point? Skill building! Think about the projects you could take on to build your portfolio of skills and expertise. Maybe you company needs a website redesign and you could lead a committee to brainstorm ideas. Perhaps you could suggest a process to bring customer service up to snuff. Take on one project that is important to you and run with it. Dont expect recognition or a bonus. Do it because it is important to you. 想升职的话就不能只按照最低要求来做,得过且过也很难获得奖励。那么升职加薪的关键在哪里呢?就是要提升工作技能!想想有哪些项目是可以提升你的工作技能和丰富职业经历的。也许你的公司需要重新设计网站,那么你可以引导大家头脑风暴一下,又或许你可以针对优化客户服务提些好的建议。尽全力做好一个对你来说很重要的项目。不要因为想获得认可或者奖金而做,而是去做你认为重要的事。 2. Build your resiliency 2. 提高适应能力 When was the last time you really changed your routine? While we crave routine and consistency, our work seldom provides the stability we want. One way to cope is to force change on ourselves. Begin testing your flexibility and adaptability by doing things that are uncomfortable. If you dont normally get to work early, try it for a month and see what happens. Is there a colleague you dont know well? Ask them to lunch. By pushing yourself outside your comfort zone regularly, you begin to build your resiliency. 你最近一次改变生活作息是什么时候?当我们的生活一成不变的时候,我们的工作却没有我们想要的那么稳定。应对之策就是改变自己。尝试做你不喜欢的事,看看自己的反应和适应能力。如果你平常不喜欢早起工作,那么就尝试一个月,看看有什么变化。你是不是和某个同事从没打过交道?那么就邀请他一起吃午饭吧。经常强迫自己走出舒适带,你就已经是在培养自己的适应能力了。 3. Learn to love conflict 3. 学会爱上分歧 Dont run away from a disagreement or bite your tongue every time your boss comes up with a crazy idea. Stand up and be heard. Take a stand and learn how to defend what you believe in and what you know. The more experience you gain defending your points, the better you can get. Not every battle is worth fighting, and not every idea is worth defending. When you learn how to sell and negotiate your idea


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