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作业7 根据句意 及 首字母提示补全单词。 1、If you want to be safe ,you must f the traffic rules。 2、My brother went to c after he finished high school 3、Li Ling won the first place in the English c 4、He s in the last minute of the game and they won 。 5、There are many trees on both s of the road 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1、Our country is becoming and (strong) 2、They are from 。 they are (Canada) 3、Tomas Edison many inventions 。He was a great (invent) 4、They are sure (come)tonight。 5、I believe it (be) fine tomorrow 单项选择题 ( )1、John studies hard he can go to college in the future A、that B、so that C、because D、just ( )2、Computers are important ,but I don’t know work on the Internet A、where to B、what to C、how to D、when to ( )3、The girl is beautiful 。Everyone in her family likes her very much A、more B、more and more C、more beautiful and D、much and much ( )4、The player has an but life A、excite;tire B、excited;tired C、exciting;tired D、exciting;tiring ( )5、National Day is coming 。What is your plan the holiday ? A、to B、for C、with D、in 四、综合填空 从下列方框中选择适当的单词,并用适当的形式完成短文 Basketball is an American game 。A man named James Naismith 1 it in 1891 。He wanted to play an indoor game in winter。The first 2 game was played in 1892 。 Naismith put up two peach(桃形的)baskets 。There were nine players 3 each side。The players tried to 4 the ball into the baskets。There were 5 holes(洞)in the bottom (底部)of the baskets 。When a ball went 6 the basket ,it stayed there 。The game 7 to stop 。A player climbed up to 8 the ball。It was a slow game 。After a while ,people 9 net baskets。They cut the bottom out of the baskets。 At first ,many people could play 。Now only ten team members can play the game 。There are five 10 on each side 。Today basketball is a very popular game。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



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