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UNIT 1〓You Can Write Poetry你会作诗(冀教九下U1) Lesson 1〓Poetry, Please第一课〓请作诗(冀教九下U1) Have you written a poem in Chinese? 你用汉语写过诗吗?(冀教九下U1) Is it hard? 难吗?(冀教九下U1) Why or why not?为什么难或为什么不难?(冀教九下U1) What kind of poetry do you like best?你最喜欢哪种诗?(冀教九下U1) What kink of poetry is Jenny going to write? 珍妮要写哪种诗?(冀教九下U1) Why?为什么?(冀教九下U1) 英汉对照(冀教九下U1) Reading 阅读(冀教九下U1) Just Say It!念吧!(冀教九下U1) Have you written your poem yet, Brian?布赖恩,你写诗了吗?(冀教九下U1) Ive just started it. 刚刚开始。(冀教九下U1) Ill finish it at home tonight. 我今晚会在家完成它。(冀教九下U1) What about you, Jenny? 你呢,珍妮?(冀教九下U1) Have you written yours?你写了吗?(冀教九下U1) No, I havent decided what to write about.(冀教九下U1) 没有,我还没决定写什么呢。(冀教九下U1) You love nature.你喜欢大自然。(冀教九下U1) Maybe you could write a description of your favourite place. 或许你可以描述一下你最喜欢的地方。(冀教九下U1) You could express the way you feel about it.可以写一下你对它的感觉。(冀教九下U1) Thats a good idea, Brian! 好主意,布赖恩!(冀教九下U1) Thats what I did in my poem. 我就是这样写我的诗的。(冀教九下U1) I described something I love. 我描述了我喜欢的东西。(冀教九下U1) Would you like to hear my poem?你们想听我的诗吗?(冀教九下U1) Have you finished already?你已经写完了吗?(冀教九下U1) Yes! It was easy!是啊,太容易了!(冀教九下U1) Wed love to hear your poem, Danny.丹尼,我们想听你的诗。(冀教九下U1) Do you really want to hear it?你们真的想听吗?(冀教九下U1) Yes.是的。(冀教九下U1) Are you sure?你们确定?(冀教九下U1) Just read it, Danny!读吧,丹尼!(冀教九下U1) No, Im not going to read it.不,我不读。(冀教九下U1) What do you mean?什么意思?(冀教九下U1) I know it by heart. 我会背了。(冀教九下U1) I dont need to read it.我没有必要读它。(冀教九下U1) Well, then, JUST SAY IT!!好了,念吧!!(冀教九下U1) Danny!丹尼!(冀教九下U1) Id love to.我很乐意念。(冀教九下U1) You dont need to shout.你们不必大喊。(冀教九下U1) The Donut 油炸圈饼(冀教九下U1) Looks like the surprised, pleased circle of my mouth. 看起来像我吃惊而又高兴的嘴巴。(冀教九下U1) Oh!哦!(冀教九下U1) Smells like waking up in the morning, slowly, from a dream.闻起来像清晨从睡梦中慢慢醒来。(冀教九下U1) Sounds like my stomach, making hungry noises.听起来像我的肚子,饿得咕噜咕噜叫。(冀教九下U1) Feels like happiness, so wonderful that I shut my eyes.摸起来像幸福,如此美妙以至于我闭上眼睛。(冀教九下U1) Tastes so good,


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