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2014 年对外经济贸易大学国际商学院 832 工商管理综合考研真题(含部分答案) 对外经济贸易大学 2014 年硕士学位研究生入学考试初试试题 考试科目:832 工商管理综合 考前提示 1)所有答案均须写在答题纸上,否则答案无效 2)凡用英文出题的部分.除特别要求外,均须用英文回答,否则答案无效 3)本试卷共分成两大部分,即管理与专业英语和管理基础知识。 第一部分:管理与专业英语(共 75分) Ⅰ. True/False Questions (2 points each, total 10 points ) Instructions: In this section, you are required to determine whether the following statements are true or false according to management theory or practice. Write your judgments on your answer sheet. Do not make any marks on your test paper. 1. Effectiveness refers to getting the most output from the least amount of input. 2. Organizations help employees adapt to the culture through socialization. 3. Intuitive decision making complements rational decision making but not bounded rational decision making. 4. A turnaround strategy is a type of renewal strategy, used when an organization is in serious trouble. 5. In the Big Five Model, emotional security was found to be positively related to job performance. Ⅱ. MULTIPLE CHOICE (2 points each, total 10 points). Instructions: In this section, you are required to choose one of the four choices as your best response, and put it on your answer sheet. Do not make any marks on your test paper. 1. Computer peripherals provider Ascent plans to enter a new market in another country. Which of the following represents a threat for Ascent? A. Ascents profit margin in the previous year was its lowest on record and it will require long-term planning to improve margins B. Ascent lacks the resources to enter the market on its own and has to find a partner in the new market C. Ascent will have to plan its entry carefully as th


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