大同旅游英文介绍 Travel attractions of Datong.ppt

大同旅游英文介绍 Travel attractions of Datong.ppt

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1.YunGang Grottoes Yunggang Grottoes is located in the north cliff of Wuzhou Mountain in the west of Datong. It is one of ancient grotto groups of largest scale and one of the 3 main grotto groups in our country. Travel attractions of Datong Brief introduction of Datong Datong is situated in the north of Shanxi Province,and famous with the title Capital of Coal. Datong is an ancient city with a history of more than 2400 years. The city is endowed with rich cultural relics such as Yungang Grottoes, Huayan Temple,Nine Dragon Wall, Hanging Temple. Datong Shanxi Datong Shanxi Datong Shanxi Datong Shanxi Datong Shanxi Datong Shanxi Datong Shanxi The grotto was excavated by depending on the mountain and stretches of east to west. Now it remains 45 grottoes and more than 1100 statues of Buddha. The biggest one is up to 17m high and the smallest is only 2 millimeters high. The Tanyao five grottoes are the earliest and largest grandeur among Yunggang grottoes and was excavated in the period of Northern wei. 2.HuaYan Temple Huanyan Temple, located in the southwest of Datong, is one of the biggest temples in China. The Huayan Temple is divided into two parts: the Upper Huayan Temple and Lower Huayan Temple which have their own gate and architecture respectively. Five Buddha sit up on the frontal of the grand hall, which are named Five-Direction Buddha to civilize the five directions, east, west, south, north and mid in the world. 3.The Nine Dragon screen It’s located in the southern side of Dong Street, and built for the Prince Hongwu, the son of Zhu Yuanzhang. It is presently the oldest and largest glazed screen in China. And it is three times larger than the one in Beihai Park, Beijing City. 4.The Hanging Temple Why build a monastery like this? Suspension temple is located at the foot of Hengshan mountain. It was built in late Northern wei period, The now remaining buildings were the relics of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The front of suspension Temple faces ea


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