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课程设计论文 DMAIC模型在降低变速器噪音的应用 工业工程111班 刘洋 15号 2014年6月 摘 要 汽车制造业是我国国民经济发展的支柱产业,随着汽车的普及,人们对汽车的认识越来越深,对汽车的使用性能也提出了越来越高的要求。作为评价汽车性能的重要指标之一的噪声也越来越多的成为人们关注的焦点。各大汽车厂商纷纷努力将噪音控制在最小状态,来为乘客提供一个舒适的乘坐环境。汽车变速箱作为汽车传动系统的主要部件,其承担着从发动机到整车的动力传输,但同时也在产生着噪音。如何降低变速器噪音便成为汽车制造商或是变速器企业首要考虑的问题之一。 汽车变速器噪音一般是指变速器运行中产生的刺耳并且令人不愉快的齿轮啸叫。汽车变速器异常声响是汽车的一个重要的质量问题,也是比较难以消除的汽车故障。虽然变速器噪音不会立即影响汽车的行驶,但会使汽车乘坐舒适性严重下降,造成司乘人员心情烦躁、注意力下降等不良症状出现,如不及时维修会引发其它汽车故障。我国汽车绝大多数是发动机前置后轮驱动布置传动系的,故本文重点分析的是同轴变速齿套式汽车变速器噪音异常声响问题。 本文以某型汽车手动变速箱为研究对象,着重研究了汽车在行驶过程中因齿轮啸叫所产生的异常振动和声音信号。采用DMAIC模型对该型变速器进行定义、测量、分析、优化和控制,并着重介绍了MATLAB在齿轮振动中的优化,通过有限元分析发现故障原因,并进一步锁定故障零件,为降低汽车变速器噪音确定了方向。 关键词:齿轮啸叫;MATLAB;DMAIC ABSTRACT Automobile manufacturing industry is the pillar industry of our national economy, with the popularization of cars, people of motor cognition more and more deeply, also put forward higher requirements on the performance of the vehicle. As one of the important indexes to evaluate the noise performance of vehicle are also increasingly become the focus of attention. The major automobile manufacturers have to be controlled in the minimum noise, to provide a comfortable riding environment for the passengers. Automobile gearbox as the main parts of automobile transmission system, the bear from the engine to the transmission of the vehicle, but also in the production of noise. How to reduce the transmission of noise becomes one of the car makers or transmission enterprises priority. Automobile transmission gear noise generally refers to Xiao generating transmission operation in harsh and unpleasant name. Abnormal sound of automobile transmission is an important quality problem of the automobile, automobile fault is more difficult to eliminate. Although the transmission noise will not immediately affect the vehicle, but the vehicle ride comfort serious decline, causing passengers irritable mood, attention and other adverse symptoms, will lead to other vehicle failure if not timely repair. The vast majority of Chinas automobile is rear whe


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