全方位商务英语口语Unit 1 Improving Oral Communication Skills资料.ppt

全方位商务英语口语Unit 1 Improving Oral Communication Skills资料.ppt

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全方位商务英语口语Unit 1 Improving Oral Communication Skills资料

Build up a dialogue with your partner based on the following situation. You are Assistant Manager of Hope Computer Corp. Ltd. You are at the airport to meet an important customer of your company, Mr. Darren Miller from Silicon Valley, California. You have never met this Miller before, and now you’re at the airport waiting for him with a signboard. You identify yourself, greet him and start an informal talk about his flight and the weather in Beijing, give a brief introduction on Beijing, and draft an itinerary for him. * You’re at the scene of a party. Consider what you say when you meet someone you do not know. How do you launch a conversation? Is it important to take the initiative or is it polite to wait until you are spoken to? The whole class stand up and move around the classroom. Using an icebreaker to start a talk with a person near you. Then use the elaboration technique to try to keep conversations going. Remember: Keep asking questions based on the last thing a person says. You need to ask who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. When you are the one to answer questions, try to give details. * Work individually. Choose one of the following topics for a three-to-four-minute talk: An important event from your childhood or college years. An interesting, exciting, funny, or frightening experience. A story you have read, seen on television, or heard from a friend. * Examine your topic carefully. Do you think you remember enough details to make your story interesting? Do you think you can tell the story in three to four minutes? You may have to work through several possibilities before you make your final decision. After you have chosen the topic, review the details that you want to include and consider how you will start and end the talk. Practice telling this story to see if you need to add or delete information to make it fit the time limit. Present your talk to your partner without stopping and your partner will keep track of the time. When


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