六年级英语 分类复习 题库训练题资料.doc

六年级英语 分类复习 题库训练题资料.doc

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六年级英语 分类复习 题库训练题资料

六年级英语 分类复习 题库训练题(无答案) 动词的第三人?称单数 1.stay 5.worry 2.send 6.guess 3.open 7.go 4.have 8.learn 9.play__?______? 10.be____?____ 动词的过去式? 1 want 2 see 3.write 4 run 5teach? 6 stop 7 hear 8 come 9 say 10 begin 11catc?h 12 get 13 read 14 tell 15take? say do know ride speak go study teach drive fly bring 词的对应形式? 6.who’s (完整形式)______?_ 7. watch(第三人称单数?)______?_ 8.friend? (形容词)______?___ 9.swim(现在分词) ______?_ 10.teach (名词)______?____ 用所给词的适?当形式填空 1.go I often ____to? school? at seven every mornin?g. My sister? often_?____to? school? with me. I_____?_to school? now. But I____t?o school? late yester?day. 2. have Mike__?____ a lot of good friend?s. Last Sunday?, he____?__a birthd?ay party. They__?__a big birthd?ay cake. Look, now he ______?his birthd?ay cake. 3. do Ben usuall?y ______?his homewo?rk in the aftern?oon. We often_?______?_our homewo?rk in the aftern?oon, too. But yester?day, we____?____ou?r homewo?rk in the evenin?g. 4. eat My younge?r brothe?r ______?_a lot of ice-cream last night. So he can’t_____?_anyth?ing today. The doctor? says to him: don’t_____?_too much. So he ______?a little? today. 5. make My father? can___?____mo?del planes?. He likes_?______?__mode?ls. Look he ______?_____a? model plane now. Last term he ______?__one for me. 6. see Last week, I ______? a Beijin?g opera show. It was intere?sting. I am going to ______?_ it again next week. 7. watch My cousin? and I all like ______?___ TV. He usuall?y ______? it on Saturd?ay. Last Saturd?ay, he ______?___ a cartoo?n on TV. 用所给单词的?正确形式填空? A组 1. Yang Ling ______?_____(want) to go to the park. 2. The studen?ts ______?____ (have) a music lesson?, now. 3. Mike ______?____ (come) from Amer


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