Guo′s Manuals SOA exam MLC-ASA北美精算师考试.pdf

Guo′s Manuals SOA exam MLC-ASA北美精算师考试.pdf

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Guo′s Manuals SOA exam MLC-ASA北美精算师考试

Deeper Understanding, Faster Calculation --SOA Exam MLC Insights Shortcuts by Yufeng Guo th 9 Edition Fall, 2009 If you want to learn shortcuts, use this manual. If you want to learn basic theories, use Guo’s Arch MLC. If you want to learn basic theories and shortcuts, get both. Guo’s Arch MLC provides thorough review of all the concepts in the SOA’s MLC syllabus. You can download the free chapter at This electronic book is intended for individual buyer use for the sole purpose of preparing for Exam MLC. This book may NOT be resold to others or shared with others. No part of this publication may be reproduced for resale or multiple copy distribution without the express written permission of the author. © 2009, 2010 By Yufeng Guo Guo MLC, Fall 2009 Page 1 of 313 / Table of Contents Chapter 1 Passing Exam MLC the First Time 6 Origin of the COM method 6 Pitfalls of the Traditional Study Method 6 How COM Works 7 Why COM Works 8 An example of the COM method 9 Chapter 2 Eliminate calculation errors 21 Solve ax2 + bx + c = 0 . 22 Linear Interpolation 27 Calculate mean and variance of a discrete random variable 31 Find the conditional mean and variance 39 Find the present value of life insurance or annuity 41 How to eliminate errors in complex calculations 44 Chapter 3 Surviv


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