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Introduction 前言 We want every Guest to feel the Hyatt Touch! 我们要让每一位客人感受到凯悦温情! Let us delight our guests with our enthusiastic service attitude demonstrated through Flexibility, Initiative, Teamwork and Sincerity. 让我们成为“优态使者”,灵活主动,真诚待客。 Objective 目标 By the end of this session, our objective is to ensure that you have learned “How to Handle a Wrong Order” with confidence, and according to our defined standards. 到这次课程结束的时候,我们的目标是要确保你学会 怎样按照我们酒店的标准, 自信地“处理错误点单”。 Any Questions? 有问题吗? A Wrong Order 错误点单 What is a wrong order? 什么是错误点单? When a guest receives something different from what they have ordered 所服务的食品不是客人所点的 2. Approach the Guest 靠近客人 How do we approach the guest? 如何靠近客人? Be concerned 关心的态度 Smile as you really mean it 发自内心的微笑 Establish good eye contact 建立良好的眼神接触 2. Approach the Guest 靠近客人 How do we approach the guest? (Cont’d) 如何靠近客人?(续) Maintain good body posture 保持身姿端正 Speak slowly and clearly 口齿清晰,语速适中 3. Handling the Wrong Order 处理错误点单 How do we handle a wrong order? 如何处理错误点单? Listen carefully to the guest 小心倾听客人话语 Find out what is wrong with the order 找出点单中的错误 Apologies to the guest 向客人道歉 3. Handling the Wrong Order 处理错误点单 What do we need to ensure? 我们需要确保什么? Take ownership of the wrong order 以负责的态度对待错误点单 When talking with the guest we never blame anyone, only rectify the situation 当和客人交谈时,永远不要责备任何人,只是纠正错误 3. Handling the Wrong Order 处理错误点单 What do we need to say to the guest? 我们需要对客人说些什么? “I am very sorry sir/madam, may I replace it for you right away?” “非常抱歉,先生/女士,我马上帮您更换,好吗?” Use guest’s name if we know 尽量称呼客人的名字 3. Handling the Wrong Order 处理错误点单 If the guest doesn’t want the order to be replaced or change, make sure we change the guest’s order in micros to reflect the item they have accepted 如果客人接受所服务的点单,则在micros 系统中将客人原先点单更改为现在的点单,以表明客人已经接受点单 4. Remove the Wrong Order 拿走错误点餐 How do we remove the wrong order? 如何拿走错误点餐? Collect the wrong order from the guest and return to the kitchen


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