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北京理工大学珠海学院绿化管理系统——基于web服务 摘 要 如今,科学技术已是第一生产力。计算机发展到现在已经是比较成熟的一门技术学科。 管理系统在计算机中的应用已非常普遍。不管是单位内部使用还是以产品形式开发,管理系统的需求都非常大。人们对管理的要求越来越多,越来越繁琐,传统的管理系统面临着很大的挑战。在信息不断膨胀的今天,能更好地适应需求,想法越新,越有创意,无疑可以在竞争中取得优势。 对于传统的管理系统比较常见的有,资产管理系统,图书馆管理系统,学生信息管理系统等。这些传统管理系统如今在市场上已经见怪不怪了,要想能够吸引人们的眼光,无疑需要想出一些独树一帜的新颖的想法,但又不能脱离人们的需求。 本课题中设计了绿化管理系统,专门对本校北京理工大学珠海学院的绿化带及树木进行管理,实现管理系统具备的基本功能增删改查,本系统还为推广本校进行了网络化设计。 绿化管理系统的提出,可谓别具匠心,在传统的管理系统上另辟蹊径。 本系统管理学校的所有绿化带的信息,实现对绿化带信息的增加,删除,改动,查询以及数据库的备份和还原等功能,极大的方便了负责学校绿化管理的老师对树木进行管理。 关键词:管理系统 绿化 web Zhuhai, Beijing Institute of Technology College of green management system - web-based services ABSTRACT Today, science and technology are primary productive force. A computer is now developed into a relatively mature technology subjects. Management system in the computer applications are very common. Whether interior of their flats or in product form the use of the development, management system requirements are very large. People management requirements, and more and cumbersome, the traditional management system is facing great challenges. In todays ever-expanding information and can better meet the needs, the more new ideas, the more creative, no doubt the competition advantage. For the traditional management systems are more common, asset management system, library management system, student information management systems. Today, these traditional management systems in the market has been flattering, to be able to attract peoples eyes, no doubt need to come up with some unique innovative ideas, but can not be divorced from peoples demand. In this paper, green management system was designed specifically for the University Zhuhai, Beijing Institute of Technology School of green belt and trees are managed to achieve the basic functions of management systems with deletions to change search, the system also carried out to promote the university network design. Green management system proposed, can be described as unique ingenuity, in the traditional management s


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