Unit How was your school trip讲学稿.docVIP

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Unit How was your school trip讲学稿.doc

Unit 8 How was your school trip讲学稿 Unit 8 H as ur shl trip讲学稿 Setin A 4时 教师寄语: There ill be n regret and srr if u fight ith all ur strength (只要全力拼搏了,就没有遗憾,没有后悔。) 主备人:肖丽 2010,11,1 一、教学目标及安全教育:Teahing ais and safet 1.知识与能力nledge and abilit :1rds and expressins: aquariu ,shar, seal, suvenir , ate (eat ) , else , in ,(n,n ), autgraph, gt 2 gal languages : H as ur shl trip Did u in that hat? ere there an shars? 3 graer学习一般过去时及There be句型的一般过去时 能力目标: 学会询问“……怎么样、做了什么事”以及表达感受的交际用语。 2过程与方法.Press and ethds 通过自学导读,小组合作探究 。 3情感态度与价值观:Etins and Values学会积极乐观的表达自己的感受。 二.重点和难点 Iprtant pints: Siple past f regular and irregular verbs(规则和不规则动词的过去式) Diffiult pints: H t tal abut events in the past learl 三、学习过程 Step 1预习导学或自测/情景导入 按要求写出下列各词: 1 visit________(过去式) 2 pht________(复数) 3 tae________(反义词) 4 put________(过去式) pur________(现在分词) 6 in________(过去式) 7 gift________(同义词) 8 fun________(形容词) 9 begin________(同义词) 10 ild________(比较级) 11 athleti________(比较级) 12 here________(同音词) 13 near________(反义词) 14 leave________(过去式) 1 she________(名词性物主代词) 16 si________(同义词) 17 right________(同音词) 18 ft________(复数) 19 the________(宾格) 20 nife________(复数) Step 2 自主学习Listen t the tape ithut ling at the b and then anser the flling questins : 1hih aquariu did the g? 2as the siene teaher happ ? Step 3合作探究 Read setin A 3a and rret the stateents bel u a disuss in pairs r in grups he the ansers ith the teaher Then find the past frs f the verbs in the artile N , if u have an questins abut the artile , u an as ur lassates r teaher fr help ___________________________________________________________________________ lass9 did an things , hat did the d first /then/after that/after lunh/finall/at the end f the da ? an u anser? e n ! Tr t anser First,_______________________________________________________________________ Then,_______________________________________________________________________ After that ,_____________________________________________________________________ After lunh________________


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