工伤须休养 管理误工费谈不拢(Inductrial injury must recuperate, management, lose ones job cost cannot talk).docVIP

工伤须休养 管理误工费谈不拢(Inductrial injury must recuperate, management, lose ones job cost cannot talk).doc

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工伤须休养 管理误工费谈不拢(Inductrial injury must recuperate, management, lose ones job cost cannot talk).doc

工伤须休养 管理误工费谈不拢(Inductrial injury must recuperate, management, lose ones job cost cannot talk) New Year approaching, migrant workers Huang Jinhua for their compensation is still a rushing things. October 2010, Huang Jinhua in Nanchang City International Garden site when doing carpentry, careless fall, resulting in the first lumbar burst fracture. After discharge, the doctor advised to recuperate for one year, but the cost of the years work and subsequent surgical expenses were not discussed with the boss. The complaint compensation strategy Huang, Jinhua, has been engaged in carpentry for many years, but when it comes to technical sophistication, there is also a time when mistakes are made. In October last year, Huang Jinhua in the International Garden Garden site installation template, stepped on the wood, fell from more than 3 meters high, after being sent to the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University treatment. After diagnosis, the first lumbar burst fracture of yellow Jinhua was hospitalized for 19 days. ldquo: the medical and surgical expenses spent nearly 40 thousand yuan during the hospitalization have been paid by Zhao, who hired me to work. ” Huang Jinhua said he was employed by the contractor and the owner Zhao, Zhao boss carpenter is a fan from the boss took it. After discharge, referring to the follow-up treatment costs and lost income and compensation for injuries suffered when passing. Huang said that after leaving hospital, he spent 3 months at home, according to the doctors request, you must rest for one year, and also have to remove the body of fixed equipment, Jinhua. As a result, he submitted to the contractor and the project department to pay follow-up surgery costs and loss of work costs totaling about 55 thousand yuan, but was rejected. Response delays fee is too high and be willing to negotiate For this, Jin Tao International Garden Project Department staff believes that they should not bear the responsibility, because real estate has


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