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2014大学英语b统考作文 篇一:新大纲_2014年12月大学英语B统考部分翻译和写作 2014年12月大学英语B统考 部分翻译和写作真题 一、翻译 1. Transistors are small in size and light in weight. 晶体管的体积小、重量轻。 2. I feel lonely without you. 没有你我感到孤独。 3. I had no choice. 我别无选择。 4. Bill hit his car into a wall last night. 昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上。 5. My classmate is more clever than I. 我的同学比我聪明。 6. I was having a nap when suddenly the telephone rang. 我在睡觉时,电话铃突然响了。 7. Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光。 8. This new country hopes to establish friendly relations with all its neighbours. 这个新成立的国家希望和所有邻国建立友好关系。 9. Would you mind closing the window for me? 能帮我关一下窗户吗? 10. Are you fond of music? 你喜欢音乐吗? 11. On their way they came to a bread shop. 在途中,他们来到一家面包店。 12. Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. 历史每重演一次,代价就增加一分。 二、写作 1) My Teacher 1.介绍你的一位老师; 2.喜欢这位老师的理由。 参考答案: My Teacher My favorite course is English. It is a new language for me. I like to learn the new language. It makes me feel good. If I decide to learn English well, I will devote all my efforts to it. In my opinion, learning English is not only eich our knowledge but also broaden our mind. Besides, my English teacher is my favorite teacher. She is very friendly and beautiful. She tries her best to teach us. Furthermore, it can improve our self-confidence. If I learn English well, my confidence will build up and I抦 sure I will achieve more in the future. So English is really important to me. 2) The Computer 1.计算机的用途; 2.计算机给人们生活带来的变化。 The Computer Nowadays, computers are becoming more and more popular. Computers can help different people in different ways. They can help children with lessons and homework, help students and scholars do calculations, analyze data and present the latest achievements. Furthermore, they can assist engineers and experts in the design of a mold, a bridge or a spaceship. Besides, computers can offer fun and entertainment to us with the internet games, movies, and etc. Indeed, compute


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