英国学派安全思想探微(A probe into the English schools security thought).docVIP

英国学派安全思想探微(A probe into the English schools security thought).doc

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英国学派安全思想探微(A probe into the English schools security thought).doc

英国学派安全思想探微(A probe into the English schools security thought) The English schools security thought has been inherited and developed by four generations of scholars. It pays attention to the study of the value orientation of security, emphasizes the role of rules and institutions in maintaining security, and pays attention to the empirical analysis of practical problems. Overall, it is with the British School of thought the core idea of international society down, along the road of rationalism, absorbed the reasonable mechanism of realism and revolutionary, is the combination of the three. On the one hand, it enriches the theory and practice of international security with unique research methods and analytical perspectives, on the other hand, it also has some defects and needs further improvement. Key words in English schools thoughts of security will increase CLC number: D80 document identification code: A article number:(2007)Since the establishment of the British International Political Committee in 1959, the British school has been going on for nearly 50 years. During this time, the British school representative Butterfield (Herbert Butterfield), White (Martin Wight) (Hedley, Bull), Boolean Vincent (John Vincent) and Buzan (Barry Buzan), adhering to tracing nature history and development of the international community, the international community to reveal potential (nature) and (potentiality) the purpose, adhere to the traditional ideas of Grotius type, made a unique set of world politics from traditional methods and non ethical perfectionism concept, has made brilliant achievements. [1] As one of the focuses in the study of western international relations theory, security research has attracted much attention due to its self-evident importance and unique charm. This point for British scholars is no exception, they have been in the international security research plays an important role: first, they are active in some famous international sec


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