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M民营企业员工薪酬激励问题与完善研究 摘 要 随着我国市场经济的发展,民营企业已取得了巨大成就,但民营企业在人力资源管理特别是薪酬管理方面,还存在着许多不规范与不科学之处,存在诸多亟待解决的问题。梳理出民营企业内部薪酬激励制度存在的相关问题,以破除民营企业进一步发展的障碍,可以为社会主义市场经济提供更大的服务,因此对民营企业薪酬激励模式及其效果进行研究具有较强的现实性和时代感。 本文首先对民营企业薪酬激励制度的相关背景和理论做了综述,然后对民营企业的现状和存在的问题进行了研究,发现薪酬制订者能力、薪酬构成、薪酬设计的程序公平、薪酬制度系统性、管理者薪酬理念遍存、薪酬透明度等方面存在问题,针对这些问题本文分析了相关原因。在对问题及其成因的分析基础上,针对民营企业特点对名义企业薪酬激励制度从薪酬激励的基础到工资制定,再到相关战略的实施进行了详细完善。最后以M公司为例对我国民营企业薪酬激励制度中存在的问题以及如何改善进行了例证。 民营企业薪酬激励制度的完善与改进应当从以下几个方面入手:一是加强对重视薪酬管理,这是是民营企业走出困境、获得成功的关键;二是薪酬体系设计应当与企业生命周期相结合;三是重视建立以绩效为中心的薪酬管理体系;四是薪酬体系设计应根据不同的岗位和工作性质,采用多样的报酬方式,同时专门人员的薪酬设计专门化。 资料来源:/ 关键词:民营企业,薪酬激励,薪酬完善 Abstract As the development of Chinas market economy, private enterprises have made great achievements, but private enterprises in terms of human resources management, especially the salaries of management, there are still many non-standard and of the unscientific, there are many issues requiring urgent solution. Carding a private enterprise the existence of pay-related incentives in order to get rid of hindering ,the further development of private enterprises of the obstacles. The socialist market economy can provide more services, pay incentives for private enterprises to study patterns and their effects have more realistic and modern. Firstly, this article private enterprises to pay an incentive mechanism and theoretical background to do the synthesis, and then the status of private enterprises problems have been studied .We found that the ability makers pay, pay structure, pay structure of the procedures are fair, Systemic pay system, managers throughout the concept of keeping the remuneration, salaries and other problems with transparency, an analysis of these issues related to the reasons for this article. In its analysis of the causes of the problem, it based on private enterprise for the characteristics of incentive pay on behalf of enterprises. From the basis of incentive pay to the wage-fixing, it related to the implementation of the strategy in detail perfect. Finally, we


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