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常熟理工学院本科毕业设计(论文论文Small welding roller stand Abstract Welding equipment is a machine which is used in welding production and welding processes, and it is conducive to welding production mechanization and automation, to improving assembly welding-quality. Then it could prompte to speed up the process of welding production of the various assistive devices and equipment. Welding roller is used initiative and welding pieces of the wheel between the Mount relay driven welding rotating mechanical deformation. Welding roller stands for the main pieces of tube welding and welding assembly. Welding roller standing by structural form is divided into two categories : the first category is long axis-wheel frame., the second category is modular roller frame. In this paper, 4000kg of modular T-welded wheel for the design, as well as axial, bond and other main component of checking. The results showed that the main components to meet the requirements. The roller frame structure is simple, flexible, adaptive welded pieces of a strong, which is the most widely used form of the structure. And it could be fully considered the roller frame reasonable and economic, and other factors. Key Words:weld; frock clamp; turning rolls 目 录 1. 方案的选择与确定 1 1.1滚轮架简介 1 1.2滚轮架结构特点 1 1.3焊接滚轮架的设计: 1 1.4组合式滚轮架特点 3 1.5结构设计 4 1.6关于滚轮架轴向窜动的问题 5 1.7传动方案设计 6 2. 焊接滚轮架的设计与计算 8 2.1焊接滚轮架主要技术参数: 8 2.2计算总传动效率 8 2.3无级变速器的选用: 8 2.4减速器的选择: 8 2.5联轴器的选择 9 2.6滚轮架滚轮的设计 11 2.7轴的结构设计 11 2.8轴承的选择 12 2.9轴承端盖的设计 13 2.10丝杆的设计 14 2.11键的设计 15 2.12机架的设计 15 2.13表面粗糙度的计算 16 2.14驱动圆周力与摩擦阻力的计算: 17 2.15滚轮支反力的计算 18 2.16驱动圆周力与支反力的分析及中心角的确定 19 2.17滚轮轴上载荷与驱动功率的计算 22 2.18附着力的计算 23 2.19轴承寿命的计算 24 2.20轴承的强度计算: 25 2.21电动机的选型 26 2.22普通圆柱蜗杆传动主要参数及几何尺寸计算 27 2.22.1模数m和压力角a 27 2.22.2蜗杆的分度圆直径 27 2.22.3蜗杆头数 27 2.22.4导程角Y 27 2.22.5传动比i和齿数比u 28 2.22.6蜗轮齿数 28 2.22.7蜗杆传动的标准中心距a 28 2.23轴的校核 30 2.24焊接滚轮架的底架设计 30 结语 31 致谢 32 参考文献 33 第一章 方案的选择和确定 1.1滚轮架简介 随着焊接生产技术的高速发展,对焊接生产的机械化和自动化提出了越来越高的要求,焊接机械设备的需求量也越来越大。焊接滚轮架设备正是为满足市场需要而设计生产的。它是借助焊件与主动滚轮间的摩擦力来带动圆筒形焊件旋转


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