星间测距与导航卫星自主定轨分析-analysis of satellite-to-satellite ranging and navigation satellite autonomous orbit determination.docx

星间测距与导航卫星自主定轨分析-analysis of satellite-to-satellite ranging and navigation satellite autonomous orbit determination.docx

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星间测距与导航卫星自主定轨分析-analysis of satellite-to-satellite ranging and navigation satellite autonomous orbit determination

proposed: one is based on one direction and the other is based on double directions. The effect of clock error on the range measurement precision of GNSS intersatellites is researched.In the weak dynamic situation, here presents an appropriate ranging method named WD_DOWR(Weak Dynamic_Double One Way Ranging) used to measure the instant intersatellite range. It combines the theory that the velocity of light is constant and theDOWR ranging technology. Gives out the relationship of the measurement precise、thedistance and relative velocity.For the autonomous orbit determination technology of the global navigation satellite system, two central difference methods for inter-satellite ranging based autonomous orbit determination are proposed:The first automous orbit determination method is based on estimating the initial conditions, and named CDBFOD(Central-Difference Bayesian Filter based Orbit Determination) which exerts linear processing on dynamic model of the navigation satellite using the first-order Stirling interpolation formula and using the Bayesian filter to estimate the satellites init conditions which include the satates and paraments. In essence, it uses central difference approximation instead of Jacobi matrix to eliminate the process of solving the Jacobian matrix.The second method is named CDFOD which is a real-time orbit determination method. Approximate the dynamic model with a first-order Stirling interpolation firstly. Then use the central difference filters DD1(first Divided Difference) and DD2(second Divided Difference) methods in nonlinear filtering techniques without the linear processing on the observation equation. Compared with traditional Kalman filter method,this scheme is not only simple but also has higher precision. Lastly,uses the self-dvelopedsimulation software on aotomous orbit determination based on intersatellite range named AOD V1.0 verifying the CDFOD method performance.Keywords: global navigation satellite system, autonomous orbit d



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