737.N商务谈判前准备探讨 .docVIP

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TAIZHOU VOCATIONALTECHNICAL COLLEGE GRADUATE PAPER Preparation before Business Negotiation Author: Guide teacher: Major: Business English Grade: Three Class: One Date: MARCH 7, 2008 Preparation before Business Negotiation 商务谈判前准备的探讨 Abstract: As we know the winner is always someone who knows his opponent well. Preparation plays a very important role in negotiation. If your preparation is sufficient, that will increase your self-confidence. Coping with the changes happened in negotiation calmly is the base to a successful negotiation. Background investigation, negotiation organizing and plans making are included in the business negotiation. The papers focused on how to do the preparatory work before negotiations and how to develop negotiation program before negotiations. Key words: business negotiation preparation background investigation 摘要:事实证明,大部分重要的谈判工作是在准备阶段完成的。一次成功的商务谈判离不开精心的准备和机智的表达,但并不是一定要表现出精深的妙语或雄辩的口才,大多数人并不具备也无须具备语惊四座的特殊才能,但可以通过掌握一些谈判的技巧,成为商务中的大赢家该篇论文的重点是怎样做好谈判前的准备工作,论文难点是谈判方案的制定。 关键词:商务谈判 准备工作 背景调查 Outline: ⅠThe importance of preparation before business negotiations Ⅱ Background investigation A cultural information B opponent’s information Ⅲ How to organize a negotiation A negotiator selecting 1 Strong political ideology 2 reasonable knowledge structure 3 personnels ability B Negotiator distribution Ⅳ Negotiations plan making A negotiations goal B limit in negotiation C Offers in negotiation ⅤConclusion Preparation before Business Negotiation ⅠThe importance of preparation before Business negotiations Business Negotiation success depends not only on the negotiating table and thrust, bargaining, but also depends on the negotiations before the full, meticulous preparations. It can be said that any successful negotiations are based on good preparation. To a contract negotiation, it should be well prepared for the negotiations. Everything is pre-legi


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