辣妈辣妹 Freaky Friday 中英文剧本.doc

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辣妈辣妹 Freaky Friday 中英文剧本.doc

辣妈辣妹 Freaky Friday 中英文剧本            ** Imagine me and you, I do **        ** I think about you day and night, its only right **      ** To think about the girl you love and hold her tight **     ** So happy together **         ** If I should call you up, invest a dime **       ** And you say you belong to me and ease my mind **     ** Imagine how the world could be so very fine **       ** So happy together **        ** I cant see me loving nobody but you **       Honey, wake up.    ,起床 不要       -No. -Anna.        ,别赖床了        Greet the day.        ** For all my life **       ** Me and you and you and me **        ** No matter how they toss the dice **       ** It has to be **     ** The only one for me is you and you for me **   ,你给我起床       Honey, you gotta wake up.          Ow!      ** I cant see me loving nobody but you **     ** For all my life **     ** When youre with me, baby **     Thats it!        ** For all my life **            Oh! I have had it!             Aah!     Anna, hurry up!    ,快点      ,我好了啊?     What? Im ready.       (父母亲请勿入)          Would you settle on a station?     ,专心点        Okay!                 Im going to get a little stud here, okay?         I dont want my maid of honor looking like a harlot.   活像个妓女     Come on, Mom. Everyones got one.        ,妈,大家都有穿啊     Everyone? Harry, everyone has one.         哈利,你怎么没有穿啊?     I cant believe you! Youre ruining my life.      ,你毁了我的人生          You know what? End of discussion. Feet down.    ,你没得谈了?                  Okay. If I can drive.            -Did you bring your permit? -No. I cant find it.     ?      ,我找不到        -You cant find it? -Ha ha!   ?               What did you do with it, troll?      ,别再怪他了       Why do you always have to blame him?       You couldnt find anything in your room.             Why do you always take his side?     ?          Oh, look, Anna, lets not do this now, please.   ? 安娜,别吵了              And fix your shirt.        -Look, theres Stacey Hinkhouse. -Joy.   


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