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2011年6月版四级听写单词威胁 2006年6月至2010年12月真题中最有可能被考中的单词和短语威胁 赵建昆2011听力视频课全面上线,请猛击:/product/16080_1.html 针对科目:四级听力部分复合式听写(与六级听写间接有关)、四级或六级写作 学习方法: 1、? 这些单词和短语已是词汇量要求的底线。要求知道意思,熟悉用法,能够听懂,拼写正确。若不理解中文意思,速去查阅。 2、? 背,反复背。 3、? 若能以此为凭据回想起部分做过的题目,效果更佳。 4、? 看看今年四六级听写中能考中几个? 2006-6 Position? ?complex?? ?partially??? transfer???? deserve??? insurance??? expenses?? immigrant It’s understandable that girls don’t get along. Thus Americans admire a “well-organized” person. She’s worried about the seminar. 2006-12 Budget ???personality ???emotional ???behavior? ?sightseeing? ?restore? ?historical? achieve Christmas is around the corner. So it’s impossible for me to make it to the bar at ten. The tickets are sold in advance at half price. 2007-6 Seriously??? reservation???? commercial???? regret??? admission???? assistant???? cripple?? Celebrate? She was devoted to her family. He declined to discuss the condition of his wife. The roof collapsed. 2007-12 Reception??? furniture??? athlete? ???efficient??? recruit???? adoption???? crisis?? influence Adoption has much to do with the love. If Paul were my son, I would just not worry. You must have confused me with my twin brother Jason. 2008-6 Audience??? reputation???? revenue???? technology ?????tedious???? compare??? disguise?????? consult? Don’t admit anyone unless you have an appointment. Have you had any contact with Japan in your present job? You can also expect to take greater control of your career 2008-12 Extremely??? abstract???? Search????? profitable?? resident??? intelligence ???cultural? community???? Ive been out of touch with most of my old friends. Have you inquired the apartment complex down the street? But it does not really explain how children come to use language in particular ways. 2009-06 Confirm ??promotion?? contract??? depressed??? entertain??? observe??? particular?? severe In Hollywood, everybody wants to be rich, famous and beautiful? He concentrated on studying how quickly the human mind can remember information. Sh


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