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  简 介  或许以这个悲伤而恐怖的故事拍成的电影要比世界上由任何其他故事拍成的电影都要多。为什么有这么多的人喜欢它?因为当我们第一次读到它时,它就好像是出自我们梦中的记忆一样。  这是一个古老的故事,也是一个新的故事。说它“古老”是因为它创作于一百五十多年以前,那时的科学发展才刚刚起步;说它“新”是因为弗兰肯斯坦的问题也就是我们今天所面临的问题。科学给予我们力量去改造世界,但这种力量也可能与我们作对并毁灭我们。弗兰肯斯坦创造了一个新的人,他比任何其他人都要巨大和强壮——然而弗兰肯斯坦控制不了他,这个怪物毁灭了弗兰肯斯坦所爱的一切。今天的科学家正在创造着巨大的机器、电脑和武器,他们声称这些东西对我们有益——但我们能够驾驭它们吗?  玛丽·雪莱(1797—1851)是维多利亚时代的一位重要作家。她的丈夫是英格兰最著名的诗人之一——珀西·比希·雪莱。  1  1  ‘Captain! Somethingis moving on the ice.Look over there!’  The sailor stood at the top of the mast, highabove the Captain. His hand pointed awayfrom the ship, across the miles of icethat covered the sea.  The Captain looked to the north, wherethe sailor was pointing. He sawsomething coming fast towards the ship across the ice. Heput his telescope to his eye, andthrough it he could see the shapes of ten dogs pulling a sledge over the ice.He could also see the driver of the sledge—ahuge figure,much bigger than a man.  The sledge came nearer and nearer to the sea. Soonit was only a quarter of a mile from the ship.Noone needed a telescope now to see the huge figure of the driver.  Suddenly the sledge went behind a mountain of ice anddisappeared. At that moment anothersledge appeared. It, too,wasmoving fast, and was clearly chasing thefirst sledge. This driver was a smallerfigure, more like an ordinary man.Fasterand faster the dogs ran;then the secondsledge also disappeared behind the mountain of ice.  Two hours passed. Thesledges did not appear again. Nothingmoved on the ice. Soon night came,and in the night there was a storm. Inthe morning,the sailors saw that greatpieces of ice were floating round the ship.Suddenlythe sailor on the mast shouted again:  ‘Captain, Ican see a man on the ice.’  The sailor was pointing to a piece of ice that was floatingnear the ship. A man was sitting on theice, and near him was a broken sledge.The man was nearly dead from cold and could notwalk. The sailors carried him carefullyonto the ship, and took him to theCaptain, who said:  ‘Welcome to my ship.Iam the


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