摄像机校准与匹配.pptx [修复的].ppt

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??????????????? How to monitor the 3D signals from a left eye and right eye camera. ??????????????? What adjustments need to be made to ensure correct colour balance of the left eye and right eye. ??????????????? Techniques for monitoring of the Left Eye and Right Eye signal. ??????????????? Methods for measuring the disparity within the left eye and right eye images. * To make white shading adjustments of the camera, a very even light source (such as the Ambi Illuminator from DSC Labs) will provide a precise illuminated field with evenness that can be controlled to close tolerances. Although a number of light sources could be used on the Ambi Illuminator, it is purposely illuminated by the industry standard 3200K tungsten source. Tungsten illumination has a spectral curvature that is flatter than an HMI (Hydrargyrum Medium-arc Iodide) or fluorescent. Gas discharge light sources may not evenly light the Ambi Diffuser and are not recommended for white shading. Power up the camera, waveform monitor and DSC Ambi Illuminator and then connect the HD-SDI output of the camera to the WFM5200 Waveform Monitor. Allow a few minutes for the light source and the system to stabilize to normal operating temperature before starting your measurements. Once the set-up is complete, perform a White Balance of the camera and use the light meter and waveform monitor to check that the white balance has been properly performed. The color temperature readout after white balancing should read 3200K and it maybe necessary to adjust the camera’s Red and Blue gain settings to achieve this. ? Slightly defocus the lens to further soften any diffusion error. In the shading menu of the camera, adjust the vertical and horizontal saw to 50. The vertical and horizontal pars should be set to a 0 as a baseline. If these numbers are off, the gamma controls may be on and must be disabled. ? The Ambi Diffuser has a vertically adjustable light source, as shown. However, to achieve greater precision, me


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