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I am very old now. I was born in China. Many people used me for calculating in the past, but now I am a bit lonely because they don’t like me now. Do you know who I am? I am very small. I can be used for calculating. In China, a lot of students use me when solving mathematical problems. Do you know who I am? Do you know in what ways computers are used today? Work out a list and compare it with your partner. have something/a lot/much/little/nothing + in common (with sb)和…有/没有共同点 in common with sb 像…一样 in common 共有,公用 1.The land was owned in common by the residents. 2. The twins____________________. 联想---- common 指全体所共有的,共同的特征,强调常见与普遍。 ordinary 指种类普通,强调平淡、平庸、普通的意义。 usual 指通常的,寻常的;惯常的。强调“平时的”。 1) This is a __________mistake made by students. (2) He turned up at the meeting late as _________. (3) Why are you so impressed with this film?According to me, its just _________. Keys: 1.common 2.usual 3.ordinary 3. _______ is going to marry Lily? A. who do you think B. Do you think so C. who you think D. Does you think who compare 1.vt. 比较;对照。如: Compare your answers with those at the back of the book to see if they are right. 把你的答案同书后面的答案对照一下,看看是否正确。 My handwriting can not be compared with my father’s. 我的书法不能与我父亲的相比。 If you compare the two books, you will see that this one is better. 如果你比较一下这两本书,你会发现这一本好一些。 2.vt. 喻为;比拟。如: Man’s life is often compared to a candle.人生常被比为蜡烛。 Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把人世比做舞台。 3.comparison n. 比较;对照。如: He looks older by comparison.比较起来,他显得老些。 It is beyond(=out of)all comparison.这是无可比拟的。 A critical comparison of Carlyle and Emerson就卡莱尔与爱默生(两人的信条或文学风格)而进行的比较与研究 特别提醒 compare…with…表示“把……与……相比(同类相比)”, compare…to…表示“把……比做……(异类相比,比喻)”。 在表示“把……与……相比”时,compare…with与compare…to…皆可用,尤其是用在过去分词作状语的句子中。 order n. 顺序;定购;秩序;命令 基本句型: v. order sb to do sth order that sb (should) do sth (1)The lift is __________,so you have to use the stairs. (2)The officer gave an order that the work ______



