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PAGE PAGE 1 星期1 Monday What makes life dreary is the want of motive.没有了原动力,生活便会沉郁无光。 学习内容 题 材 词 数 建议时间 错误统计 做题备忘 Text A 日常生活类 377 7分钟 /6 Text B 体育人物类 539 6分钟 /4 Text C 语言探索类 462 6分钟 /5 Text D 社会制度类 418 6分钟 /5 今日练习 Text A In America, the movement of housing away from the high-rise buildings of the inner cities originated in the 1920s, but was stalled by the Great Depression of the 1930s and by World War II. After the war a tremendous surge occurred in the real estate market with the advent of single-family homes on relatively small lots — typically less than one-tenth of an acre. During the 1950s, many large tract developments invade former farmlands near metropolitan areas. The most dramatic instances of this sprawling effect were witnessed in western municipalities such as San Joes and San Diego whose city charters defined their boundaries over several hundred square kilometers. These large parcels of land were overrun by standard three bedrooms, two baths, and “ranch-style” home in a few short decades. By the 1960s construction had died down significantly and developers began building different kinds of plans to try and accommodate the changes in the market. Those who had taken advantage of the suburbanization trend in the post-war years had seen the value of their real estate increase dramatically and many were anxious to reinvest their assets. In an effort to reap this affluence, certain contractors moved away from the standard models and began designing larger buildings on increasingly spacious parcels even farther from city centers. Other builders began working on homes to meet the needs of young couples starting new families. The townhouse, a two-to-three-storey brick and frame structure containing more than 4 but less than 30 units per structure, was seen as the solution. These apartments were successful in luring many young adult city dwellers out to the suburbs. In subsequent development, traditional single family ranch-style designs continued to be emb



