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多通道数据采集和分析系统研究(下位机) 摘 要 随着现代社会的进步,许多领域都越来越依赖于电子技术的发展。与我们的生活环境较为密切如温度、湿度等都可以通过电子设备进行检测与控制。在工农业生产方面对这些数值的要求也越来越高。因此,准确测量温湿度等都变得至关重要。本系统的设计主要针对办公室以及仓库等对温湿度要求不是很严格但又与我们的生活紧密相关的环境进行的。 针对上述环境空间大且不易逐点移动测量的特点,本文提出一种无线的多点温湿度采集系统作为解决方案。该系统采用由两个低功耗、高性能单片机AT89S52作为系统核心,同时控制3路DS18B20温度模块及1路DHT11温湿度模块对周围环境的温湿度进行检测,实时将采集到的数据在LCD1602显示器上显示出来,同时通过两个无线数据通信收发芯片HYPERLINK /icstock/131/NRF24L01.html \t _blankNRF24L01组成与上位PC机通信的智能多通道温湿度采集系统。下位机与上位机之间通过RS232串口模块进行通信,最后在PC机上完成配置、显示、画图以及实时存储数据的功能。该设计方案具有测量精度高,系统功能强大且稳定性强等优点。 本文介绍了基于HYPERLINK /icstock/131/NRF24L01.html \t _blankNRF24L01的短距离多通道无线温湿度采集系统,着重分析了系统的整体设计,其中主要包括硬件电路设计、软件设计以及通信原理。通过采用模块化设计,使得整个系统的设计思路清晰且易于调整完善,最终较好的实现了设计所要求的功能。 关键词:多通道数据采集,无线收发,串口通信 Multi-Channel Data Acquisition and Analysis System (Lower Computer) Abstract With the progress of modern society, many areas are increasingly dependent on the development of electronic technology. There are so many parameters which can be detected and controlled by electronic devices and also of great reality with our living environment, such as temperature, humidity and so on. On the other hand, the use of these devices in industrial and agricultural areas is more strictly. Therefore, how to measure these parameters accurately is become more and more important. Our system is primarily designed for offices and warehouses where aren’t very strict with temperature and humidity but is closely related to our daily life. Aiming at the space of the measurement environment is the large and difficult to move the device here and there, this paper presents a wireless multi-point temperature and humidity acquisition system. The system consists of two power-saved and high-performance microcontrollers AT89S52 as the core of the system, contain three channel DS18B20 as temperature control module and one channel DHT11 as humidity module, which achieve to detect the temperature and humidity of surrounding environment. Then real-time data will be collected and sent to the LCD1602 for show. At the same


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