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* Images can be formatted using the function “Cut” (drawing toolbar). Reduction of the resolution of the entire presentation using the function “Compress images” (drawing toolbar). Where possible, however, the resolution should be reduced before the image is inserted. * Images can be formatted using the function “Cut” (drawing toolbar). Reduction of the resolution of the entire presentation using the function “Compress images” (drawing toolbar). Where possible, however, the resolution should be reduced before the image is inserted. * Images can be formatted using the function “Cut” (drawing toolbar). Reduction of the resolution of the entire presentation using the function “Compress images” (drawing toolbar). Where possible, however, the resolution should be reduced before the image is inserted. * Images can be formatted using the function “Cut” (drawing toolbar). To ensure that two images have the same width or height, the same width/height may be set using “Format graphic” (right mouse click on image, “Format graphic”, “Size”). Reduction of the resolution of the entire presentation using the function “Compress images” (drawing toolbar). Where possible, however, the resolution should be reduced before the image is inserted. * * * This is the final slide. This slide can be used for contact details. ECMO是一项工程 病例一 呼吸支持 ECMO 172天后成功撤离 患者:女,28岁 甲流 2010-10 2010-3 2010-5 2010-9 病例二 循环支持 患儿,男,11岁, “发热4天,胸闷1天”转入杭州市一院。 诊断:暴发性心肌炎 入科后第二天,心源性休克, 血压70/30 mmHg左右,四肢冷,尿量少 心电监护:多源多型室性心律,ST段抬高, 心超:EF30% ECMO第六天EKG,停机前, EF 42~45%, 整个ECMO期间(140小时)心跳骤停三次 (ECMO 1h, 第1天晨, 2天上午) ECMO脱离后11天出院 病例三 器官移植 心肌病 严重心衰 心脏移植 供心动脉粥样硬化 ECMO 渗血严重,大量输血输液导致心肺功能恶化。少尿 IABP及ECMO 行CABG 心肌收缩仍差 CPB下二次心脏移植,暂停ECMO 术后呼吸功能未恢复 再次进行ECMO 心肺功能改善 停止ECMO PLS器材 设备 耗材 药品 设备:离心泵、空氧混合器及气源、变温水箱、ACT监测仪及ACT检测管、血气仪、连续血氧饱和度监测仪及连接玻管、转运车等 耗材:PLS套包及其支架、动静脉插管等 药品:预充液、肝素 离心泵(MAQUET) 离心泵示意图 输出端 低压区 高压区 变温水箱HU35 对患者血液进行变温 加水口 水循环接口 备用接口 固定架 水 位 显 示 实际水温 报警信息 设定水温 33-39℃ 电源开关 水流显示 水 温 调 节 键 性能


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