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大学英语A补充题 1、 写作 Instructions:Your essay should be no less than 150 words. In modern society today, co-operation and competition co-exist. Why? And which one is more important to you? Write an essay on the topic The Relationship between Co-operation and Competition in Modern Life. You should base your essay on the outline below. 1.现代社会合作与竞争并存。 2.有人认为竞争比合作更为重要。 3.你的观点。 2、 写作 Instructions:Your essay should be no less than 150 words. Urban life means different types of pressure, which affects the quality of our lives a lot. How to keep ourselves healthy physically and mentally? Write an essay on the topic Dealing with Pressure in Life. And you should base your essay on the outline below. 1.现代人要面临各式各样的压力。 2.压力对人生活的影响。 3.如何给自己减压,使自己保持健康心态。 3、 写作 Instructions:Your essay should be no less than 150 words. Some people choose to live in the city, while others prefer to live in the suburbs. Write an essay on the topic Living in the City or in the Suburbs. And you should base your essay on the outline below. 1.有人认为居住在城里有很多好处。 2.有人认为居住在郊区有很多好处。 3.你的选择及原因。 4、 写作 Instructions:Your essay should be no less than 150 words. Many people find it hard to get along well with others, and this has a negative impact on their work and lives. What are your suggestions on how to get on well with others? Write an essay on the topic Getting Along Well with Others. And you should base your essay on the outline below. 1.有不少人的人际关系很差。 2.分析原因是什么。 3.保持和谐人际关系的建议。 5、 写作 Instructions:Your essay should be no less than 150 words. Nowadays more and more people start to celebrate western holidays, while neglecting the Chinese ones. What is your view on it? Write an essay on the topic Which Holidays to Celebrate, the Chinese or the Western? And you should base your essay on the outline below. 1.列举中西节日的类型。 2.你的观点。 3.列举理由支持你的观点。 6、 写作 Instructions:Your essay should be no less than 150 words. Job-hunting now is a big headache for most of the university graduates. What are the causes? And how should the students get


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