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摘要 近年来,随着改革开放的不断深入,企业的管理和运营方式都已发生根本性的变化,再加上西方现代管理思想的传入和不断影响,企业和员工之间在劳动关系中企业始终处于优势地位的角色定位也随之在逐渐改变。这种转变使得劳动者和企业之间已不在仅仅是雇佣关系,在一定程度上,劳动者和企业之间更是合作关系。拥有长期且稳定的合作关系显然有助于提高企业的生产效率。在这种大环境背景下,企业必须越来越关注自己企业内部员工的感受。员工感受往往决定着工作效率、态度,最后甚至影响对于企业是否忠诚。只有培育具有高度忠诚度的员工才能使他们在工作中释放最大的潜力,为企业创造出更大价值。如何提高企业员工的忠诚度,培养员工的忠诚度是每个企业今后都必须要面对的课题。 本文论述了企业员工忠诚度主要受企业自身因素和员工个人因素两方面的影响,其中企业自身因素是关键因素。在企业做好自身的各项工作后,企业在根据员工自身的特点,对员工进行忠诚度方面的培训,员工的忠诚度才有可能培养起来。 关键词:忠诚度;问题;因素;措施 Abstract In recent years, with the deepening of reform and opening-up, changes in business management and operation mode have been fundamentally, coupled with the introduction of western modern management thought on and continue to affect the role of enterprises and employees, between the labor relations in enterprises always dominant also in the gradual change. This change makes between workers and enterprises have not only is the employment relationship, to a certain extent, between workers and enterprises is cooperative relationship. Have a long-term and stable cooperation relationship clearly will help enterprises improve production efficiency. In this context, the enterprise must pay more and more attention to their own internal staff feel. Feelings of employees often determines the work efficiency, attitude, finally even effect on whether the enterprise loyalty. Only by cultivating high loyalty of staff to enable them to release the biggest potential in the work, to create greater value for the enterprise. How to improve employee loyalty, training of staff loyalty of every enterprise in the future must face the topic. This paper discusses the loyalty of employees is mainly influenced by the two aspects of enterprise self factors and personal factors, the factors of enterprises themselves is the key factor. In the enterprise to do the work themselves, enterprises in according to the characteristics of their own employees, of the training for the employee loyalty, employee loyalty can be developed. Keywords:loyalty;problems;affecti



