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四川师范大学本科毕业论文 我国金融监管体系存在的问题及完善对策 学生姓名 张仁凤 院系名称 商学院 专业名称 财务管理 班 级 2012级 学 号 2012190273 指导教师 卢华映 完成时间 2016年 3 月 20 日 我国金融监管体系存在的问题及完善对策 学生姓名:张仁凤 指导教师:卢华映题目和这行文字的间距不对呢?你再看看格式要求 题目和这行文字的间距不对呢?你再看看格式要求 内容摘要:金融业是国民经济的支柱性产业,它的健康发展直接影响到我国经济社会的稳定。而金融监管体系作为保障金融业健康良性发展的重要机制,不仅可以预防各种金融问题,还可以有效规避金融风险,防止金融危机的发生。因此为了促进我国金融业的持续稳定发展,必须要不断完善金融监管机制,实现对金融机构的有效监督。但是,由于我国的金融业起步较晚,金融市场还并不成熟,因而我国的金融监管体系与发达国家相比还差距甚远,存在着一系列问题,例如监管机构之间缺乏协调机制、金融监管环境不完善等,这些问题不仅给我国的金融监管带来了严峻的挑战,也制约了我国金融市场的进一步发展,影响到了社会经济的稳定。据此,本文立足于我国国情,从金融监管的内容和必要性出发,以相关理论为支撑,运用文献研究法、归纳总结法等的研究方法阐述了我国金融监管体系的历史沿革,分析了我国金融监管体系目前存在的问题,并据此提出了改进我国金融监管体系的对策,以期能对我国金融市场稳定提供一点有益的意见。 关键词:金融监管体制 存在问题 形成原因 解决对策1、关键词再增加一个 1、关键词再增加一个 2、再看看文章,在存在问题中找一个现在存在的问题作为关键词,其它两个也是如法炮制。 3、翻译内容紧跟中文,不空中间这些行。你也可以看看格式。 Abstract:The financial industry is the pillar industry of the national economy, its healthy development directly affect the stability of Chinas economic and social. And financial regulatory system as a guarantee of financial industry healthy development of an important mechanism can not only prevent various financial problems, also can effectively avoid financial risks, prevent the occurrence of financial crisis. Therefore in order to promote the sustainable and stable development of the financial industry in our country, we must to continue to improve the financial supervision mechanism, realize the effective supervision of financial institutions. However, due to the late beginning of Chinas financial industry and financial market is not mature, so the financial supervision system in our country compared with developed countries is still a far cry, there is a Series of problems, such as regulatory agencies lack of coordination mechanisms, financial regulatory environment is not perfect, these problems not only to the financial supervision of our country brought severe challenges, but also restricts the further development of Chinas financial market, the impact of the economic and social stability. Accordingly, based on on the national


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