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DOI:10.13959/j.issn.1003-2398.2009.04.008 年第 期总第 期 人文地理 2009 4 108 文章编号: ( ) 1003-2398 2009 04-0077-04 从北京 上海 广州等大城市形态转变的模式 , , 和过程中看中国的城市转变 著 1 王晓晓 王 楠 林丹丹 译 2 Piper Gaubatz ( ) , , , ( ) 美国马萨诸塞州大学艾姆赫斯特分校 美国密歇根州立大学 ( ; ) 1. 2. CHINA S URBAN TRANSFORMATION: PATTERNS AND PROCESSES OF MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGE IN BEIJING, SHANGHAI AND GUANGZHOU Piper Gaubatz 1, WANG Xiao-xiao, WANG Nan LIN Dan-dan2 ( 1.University of Massachusetts, Amherst of American; 2.Michigan State University of American) Abstract: New urban and economic developments are transforming the fundamental nature and structure of Chinas cities. The distinctive patterns wrought by overlaying socialist ideals on the pre-1949 city are giving way to new forms reflecting the countrys dynamic economic, social and political conditions. This article pro- vides an analysis of the patterns and processes of change in urban form in contemporary Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, highlighting both the regional variation in urban development in China and the emergence of common trends in development and form. The article focuses on patterns of land-use specialization, circula- tion and


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