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五、新闻报道题型特点和应试技巧 ①新闻题型特点 ②新闻结构特点 倒金字塔法(the inverted pyramid form): 按新闻事实内容和重要性递减的顺序来安排全文。 时间倒顺法(chronological style): 按事件发生时间的先后顺序来报道的. 多见于体育比赛,文艺比赛,灾难,交通事故以及犯罪案件等。 新闻的结构特点 Chronological Method (体育报道, 犯罪经过,名人讣告) Inverted Pyramid ③新闻句法特点: 简洁句; 合并句子 例: Andrew P. OrRourke, the Republican candidate for governor, said yesterday that he would withdraw from a televised debate with Governor Cuomo if the candidate of the New Alliance Party, which he accused of extremist views, participates. ④新闻词汇特点 (1)旧词添新义 Sept. 11th (2)合成新词 electronic wallet ; sit-in (3)派生新词 ecodisaster (4)外来词 judo ; karate; kungfu 新闻听力7大题型分解 硬新闻(hard news)和软新闻(soft news)两大类 英语新闻的5个要素(who,what,when,where,why/how) 新闻听力归纳为“以人为主”和“以事为主”的两大新闻句型,即: News Involving People : Who did or said what?why does he or she do so or say so? News Involving Incidents: What happened at what time and where or how did it happen? 新闻7大题型分解 1)Talks and Meeting 【考点要素】 【句型表达】 A arrives in + where + when + for talks with B + on /about /over + the issue /problem Country A + person A + met briefly/officially /formally with country B + person B + where + when Country A remains /keeps diplomatic /business relationship with country B + despite (in spite of) disagreement over the matter of The 2 or 3 leaders of the countries try to reconcile some of the different issues /disputes with the third country over the matter/issue of The talks are going /expected to cover The talks will include the issue of This is the first time for sb. to visit + where + for /since + 时间长度 The 2 leaders are expected to focus on the issues/matters of + 会谈话题 新闻7大题型分解 2)Disaster News 【考点要素】 【句型表达】 The disaster happened + the time + when 从句 + during At least /almost /nearly /about + 数字 people were killed and more than + 数字people were injured /bombed /hurt /missing in a + 某种性质的灾难 + where 某种性质的灾难 + 时间 + occurred + where Several investigations have begun into + 某种性质的灾难,but there is still no report a



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