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HYPERLINK /seach/ /seach/ PAGE 百万文档免注册免积分直接下载: HYPERLINK / -中文word文档库 365天英语口语大全-日常口语(双速模仿版) 本文档由【 HYPERLINK 中文word文档库】 HYPERLINK 提供,转载分发敬请保留此信息; HYPERLINK 中文word文档库免费提供海量教育、范文、学习、政策、报告和经济类word文档。 a href=/word文档/a 第一章 家庭生活 第一节 日常起居   1 起床   该起床了。Its time to get up.   快起床。 Get up soon.   我星期六通常晚起。I usually sleep late on Saturdays.   快点儿!Hurry up!   时间还早呢。Its still early.   闹钟响了吗? Did the alarm go off?   我一夜没睡着。I stayed up the whole night.   我还很困。Im still sleepy.   你昨天晚上打呼噜了。You were snoring last night.   我整晚都在做梦。Ive been dreaming all the night.   把衣服穿上。Put your clothes on.   把被褥叠好。Fold up your bedding. 把头发梳一下。Comb your hair. Waking Someone Up   Ann:Hey, Jim, its time to wake up and get out of bed.   Jim:Do I have to get up now?   Ann:Youd better get up, or youll be late.   Jim:What are you talking about? My alarm hasnt even gone off yet.   Ann:Yes, it did. It went off 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it. Youre like a dead person while you sleep.   Jim:I must have slept right through it.   Ann:Rise and shine! Sleepyhead!   Jim:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes.   Ann:The early bird gets the worm.   Jim:I know. I know. But I dont want any worms. Ann:Ha! Ha! If you dont make an effort now, later on itll be a lot tougher for you. 2 睡觉   很晚了。Its late.   我还想看电视。I want to watch more TV.   明天的事情都准备好了吗?Are you ready for tomorrow?   我卸完妆了。I finished taking off my make-up.   该睡觉了。Its time to go to bed.   把床铺好。Make your bed.   我一点儿也不困。Im wide awake.   我困了。Im sleepy.   我要去睡觉了。Im going to bed.   你定闹钟了吗? Have you set the alarm clock?   做个好梦。Sweet dreams.   Bedtime   Mother:Its time for bed.   Frank:But Im not sleepy, mom. Can I stay up and watch more TV?   Mother:Its already past 11. You have school tomorrow. Youll be sleepy all day tomorrow if you dont sleep well tonight.   Frank:I know, but I promise I wont be sleepy tomorrow. I work really hard.   Mother:Dont you have exams coming up soon? Im sure you could spend more time preparing for



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