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U2 Do you know that there is more than one kind of English? More than one house _____burnt down in the fire. Tom is no more diligent than Jack. Tom is not more diligent than Jack. And because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries. I was late because of the traffic jam. Thanks to him, I made it. Native English speakers can understand each other. The potato is native to America. I’d like to come up to your apartment. come up可指“(植物)长出地面”,“(太阳)升起”. The flowers are just beginning to come up. The seeds I sowed last week havent come up yet. I like to get up early and watch the sun come up. 2)come up表示“过来”. ①He came up to the policeman and asked the way. 3)come up可表示“发生,出现”. ①Ill let you know if anything comes up.②Im afraid something urgent has come up; I wont be able to see you tonight. 4)come up还表示“被提及,被讨论”. ①The subject came up in conversation.②The question never came up in discussion. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. base on One should always base his opinion on facts. present the present situation the people present at the meeting The present president present at the meeting presented us with presents. Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than before. make good use of make full use of in use 正在用,使用 come into use 开始使用 The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling. late, later, latest, lately 区别 late 形容词 1) “迟的,晚的” I was late for school. 我上学迟到了。 2)晚期的, 末期的 He began the work in late May. 他在五月底开始这项工作。 3)不久前的,最近的 the late government 上届政府 2. 副词 1) 迟,晚 I got up late. 我起晚了。 later 1) 副词,“以后、后来”可单独使用,用于过去时或将来时; Later ,the boy found his mother.后来那个男孩找到了他的妈妈。 latest 1)副词,late的最高级“最晚,最迟” come the earliest and leave the latest 2)形容词“最迟的、最晚的”the latest comer 3)最近的、必威体育精装版的”the latest Pairs fashion Lately副词,与recently同义。“最近、近来”What have you been doing lately? Such as 例如 The old man is concerned about many of them, such as John, Peter and Tom. W


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