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1.the social practice 2.organized by 3.give sb a deep impression 4.gather at the school gate 5.On arriving at ...., 6.be warmly received by 7.What surprised and delighted us most was that.. 8.be arranged to do 9...., experiencing and enjoying the pleasure of .. 10.leave a permanent memory on 11.I feel proud of the achievement which sb have made. Sunday Sunny    Today, I felt very happy to participate in the social practice in the countryside, organized by our school, which gave me a deep impression.   This morning we gathered at the school gate happily, waiting for the school bus. Soon we were on the way to the suburb. On reaching our destination after a two-hour trip, we were warmly received by the farmers. Firstly the farmers with enthusiasm introduced great changes and development in their home town in the past few years and showed us around their farmhouses. What surprised and delighted us most was that the accommodation here was very good. At noon, we were provided a delicious lunch with the characteristic flavor. In the afternoon we were arranged to help the farmers pick vegetables and fruits, experiencing and enjoying the pleasure of the harvest.  Though the trip to the happy farmhouses was over , it left a permanent memory on me. I feel proud of the achievement which the farmers have made. 作文练习: 我参加了我校组织的中学生实践活动“井冈之旅”。 1.时间:5月1日---5日 2.交通工具:火车 3.活动内容: (1)参观“希望小学”, 政府免学费、众多好心人资助,没有失学学生。 (2)与村民同吃住,参加田间劳动,体验农民生活,农民的生活条件改善了。 4.对活动的的感想。构思提示:①分清段落 ②要点明确、突出。③段落间、句间衔接流畅。 ④句式变化(从句、分词、等)、词块使用及词汇提升。 参考短语和句型: 参考短语和句型: 1.participate in a five-day tour organized by 2.pay a visit to 3.Get to know ….situation 4.good-hearted / warm-hearted/kind-hearted 5.provide tuition fees for sb 6. be free of tuition 7. offer sb free tuition 8.provide money support for 9. drop out of the school 10. be arranged to 11. communica


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