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PAGE PAGE III 公司管理 专业(本科段) 天津中粮可口可乐有限公司员工薪酬管理研究 摘要 人力资源是一切资源中最为宝贵的资源,是第一资源。过去人们只强调对人力资源的管理,忽视了对人力资源的开发。而当代社会经济发展的实践证明,人力资源的开发、利用对经济发展起着决定性的作用,人的素质决定了效率。人不仅要管理还必须不断开发,挖掘其潜能,提高其素质。因此,目前在世界范围内“人力资源开发”越来越被人们重视。人力资源作为竞争力的源泉在知识经济时代发挥着越来越重要的作用,企业的竞争就是人才的竞争,如何吸引人才、激励人才、留住人才是企业管理中一个永恒的课题。建立对外具有竞争性,对内具有公正性的薪酬管理体系更是市场经济体制下的民营企业管理者直面的主要难题。设计公平合理的薪酬系统仍不失为最重要和最有效的手段之一,一套行之有效的薪酬系统不仅可以降低企业人工成本,而且可以极大地激发员工的积极性、主动性和创造性。全面薪酬体系在企业经营战略的框架下,通过对其薪酬组成元素的优化配置,经整体薪酬方案的形式来发挥薪酬体系的整体效能。有效的全面薪酬体系能够实现企业人力资源的竞争优势,实现企业与员工利益的平衡与最大化。 本论文首先介绍薪酬的概念,包括薪酬的涵义、主要内容、实质和主要目标等。然后介绍中粮可口可乐有限公司的的简介和中粮可口可乐有限公司的主要问题分析和对其现状的对策探讨 本文揭示了中粮可口可乐公司在薪酬管理中存在的主要问题,剖析了问题产生的主要原因,并从不同角度提出了相应的解决对策,目的是帮助中粮可口可乐公司改善薪酬管理现状,提升企业的绩效水平和整体竞争力。 关键词:中型企业,薪酬管理,岗位评价 Abstract Human resource is the most precious in all resources of resources, is the first resources. In the past people only emphasizes the management of human resources, ignored the human resources development. And contemporary social and economic development of the practice proves that human resources development, utilization of economic development plays a decisive role, the quality of people decided to efficiency. Man not only management must also develop their full potential, mining, and improve the quality. Therefore, at present in the world scope \human resources development\ more and more attention by people. Human resources as the source of competitiveness in the age of the knowledge economy plays a more and more important role in the competition, the enterprise is talented persons competition, how to attract talent, incentive talents and keep talents in enterprise management is an eternal topic. Establish foreign competitive, has internal justice salary management system is under market economic system of private enterprise managers face to face with the major problems. Design fair and reasonable compensation system is still the most important and one of the most effective means, a set of effective compensation system can not only reduce the cost of labor and


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