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PAGE III 本科毕业论文(设计、创作) 题目:从车辆自身角度分析如何提高车辆行驶安全性 ——汽车A柱盲区优化设计 所在院系: 交通工程学院 专业: 交通运输 摘 要 改革开放以来,我国的道路覆盖率有了翻天覆地的变化,道路条件也有了本质性的改变,但随之而来的就是更多的道路安全问题。调查显示我国每6秒钟就有一人因交通受伤,每1分钟就有一人死于交通,可见交通安全问题极其严峻。作为交通的主要参与者,人的生命首当其冲的受到了威胁,加上财力、经济损失,后果不堪设想。 由于汽车A柱盲区的存在,在驾驶员驾驶车辆进入弯道时,可能会导致侧面碰撞的事故,影响了驾驶的安全性;或者司机为了避免事故的发生通常需侧身前倾以观察前方(特别是左前方)路况,影响其驾驶的舒适性。对于老驾驶员来说,根据他们多年的驾驶经验或许存在一定的方法能够减小A柱对其视野的影响,但对于一般的驾驶员来说,尤其是新手,A柱盲区是个不小的问题,当坐进驾驶室就会感觉视野变得非常狭隘。调查显示很大一部分的交通事故是由于A柱形成的盲区所致,而且一直以来A柱盲区问题也是所有汽车厂家致力研究的问题,能够缩小A柱盲区,对于安全行车意义重大,本文即将讨论如何缩小A柱盲区问题。 关键词:道路安全 A柱盲区 优化 ABSTRACT Since reforming and opening, our countrys road coverage has been turn the world upside down change, road conditions have substaintial sex change, but it is more the problem of road safety.My survey shows that every 6 seconds a person because of traffic injuries, there is every 1 minutes people die in traffic, traffic safety problems of extremely visible.As the main traffic participants, be the first to bear the brunt of the persons life is threatened, with financial, economic loss, consequences be unbearable to contemplate. As a result of automobile A column blind area exists, in driver vehicle into corners, may result in side impact accident, affecting driving safety; or the driver in order to avoid accidents are usually required to observe the front side forward (particularly the left front) road, influence the driving comfort.For the older drivers, according to their years of driving experience, there may be some method can reduce A column on the vision of the impact, but for the average driver, especially for novices, A column blind is not a small problem, when sitting in the cab will feel very narrow field of vision.Investigation shows that a large part of the traffic accident is due to A column formation caused by blind a


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