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FILENAME 毕业论文--技术创新与提升福建茶叶竞争力问题研究 PAGE PAGE 45 摘要 茶叶作为福建的支柱产业之一,在福建的经济发展中发挥着重要的作用。我国加入世贸组织后,福建茶叶拥有更广阔的国际市场,这将促进福建茶叶经济的发展。但同时近年来世界茶叶供大于求,茶叶市场的竞争日趋激烈,福建茶叶在竞争力方面也面临着严峻的挑战。邓小平同志说:“科学技术是第一生产力”。所以只有以市场为导向,通过技术创新开发出符合消费者需求的茶叶产品,福建茶叶才能保持自己的竞争优势。 由于当前福建省存在着茶叶产业化生产程度不高、技术成果转化率低、茶叶技术配套措施不完善、茶叶企业技术创新积极性不高和茶叶科技经费投入不足等制约因素,造成福建茶叶在茶树品种结构、茶园管理技术等方面还存在着竞争力不强的矛盾。因此,福建省必须要加大在茶树育种、茶园管理、茶叶生产加工、茶叶营销等环节上的技术创新,通过茶叶技术的创新,实现茶叶生产方式的转变、进一步开拓茶叶市场、提升茶叶的附加值、提高福建茶叶的竞争力。 为了加快茶叶技术创新,福建茶叶必须采取积极的对策:一、提高茶叶企业的技术创新能力,重点是提高企业技术研究开发能力、提高员工的创新能力、提高市场开拓能力和提高合作创新能力;二、完善茶叶技术创新机制,重点是确立企业的主体地位、建立市场的导向机制、实现茶叶生产的产业化和完善开放的创新机制;三、创造有利的外部环境,重点加强政府宏观指导、完善科技服务推广体系、强化各项激励政策和加快完善相关法规。 关键词:技术创新 竞争力 福建茶业 对策 Abstract As one of key industries in Fujian province, tea industry plays a important role in the development of Fujian’s economy. After china’s entry into WTO, there will be a larger international tea market for Fujian province, which will accelerate the development of Fujian’s tea economy. But at the same time, fierce market competitions of tea can be seen everywhere because of surplus of world tea. Comrade Deng XiaoPing has ever said that science and technology is the primary productive force. In order to keep the competitive advantage, Fujian province must develop new tea product to satisfy the demand of consumers by technological innovation. Because of low level of industrialization, low level of transforming technology to production, lack of supporting measures, low enthusiasm and devotion from tea enterprise to Research and Development and lack of outlay, contradiction exists between breeding of tea plant, managing in tea plantation and producing of tea, so Fujian province should quicken up the pace of technological innovation to realize the change in mode of tea production, exploit new tea market and increase the output of value added. Needless to say, the tea technological innovation has become key countermeasure to the development of Fujian‘s tea industry. The detailed policies and measures inclu


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