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Abnormal Morphology of Erythrocyte Spherocyte (球形红细胞) Elliptocyte (椭圆形红细胞) Stomatocyte (口形细胞) Target cell (靶形细胞) Sickle cell (镰形细胞) Dacryocyte, teardrop cell (泪滴形红细胞) Acanthocyte (棘形红细胞) Schistocyte or poikilocytosis (裂细胞或异形细胞) Rouleaux formation (红细胞缗钱状形成) Cell Shape: Spherocytes (球形红细胞) (Hereditary Spherocytes) Hereditary Spherocytosis Elliptocyte (椭圆形红细胞) Cell Shape: Target Cells (靶形细胞) (Hemoglobin C Disease) Thalassemia, hemoglobinopathy, hemolytic anemia, IDA, obstructive jaundice, splenectomy Bizarre Cell Shape: Teardrops (泪滴形红细胞) Bone marrow fibrosis, thalassemia, hemolytic anemia Bizarre Cell Shape: Sickle Cells (镰形细胞) Hb S病 Acanthocytes are spherocytic cells with finger like projections.?? Acanthocyte (棘形红细胞) 棘形红细胞增多症 Bizarre Cell Shape: Schistocyte Schistocytes are red cell fragments.?? (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) Aggregations: Rouleaux (红细胞缗钱状形成) (Multiple Myeloma) MM,原发性巨球蛋白血症 Abnormal structure of erythrocyte basophilic stippling (嗜碱性点彩 ) Howell-Jolly body (染色质小体) Cabot ring (卡-波环) Nucleated erythrocyte (有核红细胞) Inclusions: Basophilic Stippling (嗜碱性点彩 ) Lead Poisoning, Megaloblast Anemia Basophilic stippling is RNA aggregates within red cells that appear as small fine blue inclusions distributed throughout the cell. Inclusions: Howell-Jolly Bodies (染色质小体) (Post-Splenectomy) Hemolytic anemia megaloblast anemia, erythroleukemia proliferative anemia Howell Jolly bodies are single round dark-staining red cell inclusions (DNA) that are sometimes seen post-splenectomy. Inclusions: Nucleated Red Blood Cells (Erythroblastosis Fetalis) Hemolytic anemia, erythroleukemia, extra-medullary hemopoiesis, others The END NEXT TIME WBC DC Ch 1 blood LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS INTRODUCTION 实验诊断学的基本概念: 实验诊断( Laboratory Diagnosis ) 是指医生的医嘱通过临床实验室分析所得到的信息,为疾病的预防、诊断、治疗和预后评价所用的医学临床活动。 实验诊断学/临床检验学 (Laboratory Diagnostics/Clinical Diagnostics) 实验诊断学的主要内容 结合临床资料 病人标本 实验室检查、分析


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