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ACKNOWLEGEMENTS Useful expression I would like to Who would you like to thank to? Your mentor Your colleagues Individuals and institution that provide help Parents Family(husband or wife) Thesis committee(×) Tips we should remember Captalize each letter of “acknowlegements” Be centered over the text(居中) * Two Kinds of Notes --综合性人文社会科学学术期刊 文献注释技术规范 葛玉倩 刘晓静 范丛 于伟壮 孙慧中 Reference Notes(资料性注释) indicate the source of the quatation Content Notes(内容性注释) further explaination Two kinds of citation Three kinds of reference notes How to make reference notes ? Two Kinds of Citation direct quotation do not change the original words and sentences. Two Formats: 1.Use cites directly(直接引用); 2.If the quotation is too long ,you can use a separate paragraph without cites(不需要引号).Use a different typeface to differentiate the quotation from the other paragraphs.And the whole paragraph which is cited should be identied with two characteristics . indirect quotation change original words or senteces without changing the meaning Format: Use colon(冒号)or comma before your quotaion. In-text notes: in your running paper or at the end of a block quotaton. Footnotes : at the foot of a page Endnotes: at the end of a chapter or an article Three Kinds of Reference Notes How to Make Reference Notes ? (no matter direct or indirecte quotation) Footnotes Format Use this kind of note when there is a few notes and a few words. Number your footnotes page by page ,or chapter by chapter. Use the common notes format within the notes. Use a level line to separate the article from the notes. Remember the line is just very short .The alternative is use a different typeface to make the notes different from the article. _____________ note:1. 2. Endnotes Format Use this kind of format when there is numerous notes and the notes are very long. Locate the endnotes at the end of an article or a chapter Number the notes consecutively with Arabic numbers. In-text Notes (


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