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word格式文档 专业整理 课题 Unit 4 Drawing in the park 课型 新授 课时 1 教 学 目 标 1.能够听懂、会说、会读单词draw、river、boat、flower、 them。 2.初步运用句型What can you see…? I can see…Can you…?及其应答 Sure,it’s easy.It’s difficult,but I can try. 3. 理解课文并能在此基础上进行表演 重 点 能够听懂、会说、会读单词draw、river、boat、flower、 them以及初步运用句型What can you see…? I can see… Can you…?及其应答 Sure,it’s easy. It’s difficult,but I can try.以及对课文的理解。 难 点 difficult的读音教学 教具 学具 准备 光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT 教 学 过 程 教 学 过 程 教 学 过 程 Step 1 Warm up Greetings Sing a song What can you see? Good memory 出示动物园图片 T:We can see some monkeys in the zoo,There are a lot of animals in the zoo, Let’s play a game:Good memory.You can use the sentence”I can see…” Teach:I can see…. T:Look!(手指屏幕)Are you ready? S1:I can see… S2:I can see… 出示文具用品 T:Are you ready? S3:I can see… Step2 Presentation 1. 出示公园图片 T:Look at this picture.What can you see? Teach:What can you see?两两读,分组读 T:What can you see? S:I can see… T:Can you ask your friend? S-S S1:What can you see? S2:I can see a flower. Teach:flower 开火车读,男女生读 T(遮住单词):Can you spell it? S3:Yes…. T:I think it’s easy for you . You can say “Sure,it’s easy.” Teach:Sure, it’s easy. 个别读,齐读 T:Can you spell it?(问另一个较差的学生) S4:No. T:If you can’t , you can say “It’s difficult,but I can try” Teach:It’s difficult,but I can try开火车读,男女生读 The same method: boat,river 2.T: Look at these things,can you guess where are they? Ss:They’re in the park. Teach: in the park 3.T:Yes,in the park we can run ,we can play basketball, 师边说边做动作 And we can… S:We can skate/play table tennis/… T:We can also draw in the park. Teach:draw 开火车读,两两读 T:Do you like drawing in the park?边说边板书。 S s:Yes, First,let’s draw some pictures now. 出示第一幅图 T:Can you draw it? If you can please stand up and say “Sure,it’s easy.” Ss:Sure,it’s easy.觉得简单的学生站起来 T:Now draw it on your paper. 学生在纸上快速画出图形。 T:Show us. 教师对学生作品进行评价 T:Sit down. If you can’t ,please stand up and say”It’s difficult,but I can try.” Ss: It’s


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