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课堂教学设计与实施 小学英语课堂的特点 采用活动途径,倡导体验参与 课堂教学是一种动态的教学,只有从组织课堂活动入手,大量地进行语言实践,使英语课堂交际化,才能有效的培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。 活动 氛围活跃 内容活化 活学活用 动脑 动口 动手 行动 动耳 互动 教案设计须思考三点 让学生学会什么本领? 给学生做什么事? 学生从你的活动中获得了什么? 教学目标 教学活动 活动的有效性 语言技能 语言知识 课时教学目标 单元教学目标 整册书教学目标 年级培养目标 新授课 复习课 拓展课 故事课 三维目标 教学内容 When do you get up in the morning? I get up at 6:00 in the morning. We’re doing lesson 15. It’s question and answer practice use a substitution table. We’re going to practice present simple question with “When” and time expressions. We’re going to practice asking questions using present simple, so that students learn to talk about everyday activities when they do them. Which teacher has the clearest idea of the aim of the lesson? Which teacher is focused only on the target language? Which teacher is thinking mainly about the materials and ticking off things in the syllabus? 教案设计须思考三点 让学生学会什么本领? 给学生做什么事? 学生从你的活动中获得了什么? 教学目标 教学活动 活动的有效性 相同点 与 不同点 教学过程 Preparation Presentation Practice Production (the central task) Ending On-going assessment Preparation a song a chant a talk a TPR activity a game a story 要和后面的内容相关 Presentation visuals real things a game mime or gestures charts a story 要尽可能的直截了当 整体呈现 避免产生歧义 Practice role play TPR activities a game act out 模仿 替换 意义 应用 功能操练 词汇操练 意→音 音→意 意、音→形 形→音、意 Production (the central task) drawing or painting making things making a survey writing making a project writing a report acting PRODUCT Classroom Management Lead in Set up Run Close Post activity Lead in Set context / situation Arouse students’ interest Get students motivated Activate students’ background knowledge Pre-teach vocabulary Set up Clear instruction demonstration examples checking Organize students interaction patterns allocations Run Students are on the task Students are actively involved Teacher monitors and facilitates (help to make sth happen) Check that students know what to do Listen and jot down comm


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